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Migration and Home Affairs


In the global context, policy which deters new irregular migration of returnees by reintegration of the returnee in the country of origin or return which aims to ensure them levels of economic self-sufficiency, social stability within their communities, and psychosocial well-being that allow them to cope with (re)migration drivers.

In the EU context, the absence of migration after return because the returnee is fully integrated socially and economically in the home community.



  • BG: устойчиво връщане
  • CS: udržitelný návrat
  • DE: nachhaltige Rückkehr
  • EL: βιώσιμη επιστροφή
  • EN: sustainable return
  • ES: Retorno sostenible
  • ET: jätkusuutlik tagasipöördumine
  • FI: kestävä paluu
  • FR: retour durable
  • GA: N/A
  • HR: održivi povratak
  • HU: fenntartható visszatérés
  • IT: rimpatrio sostenibile
  • LT: tvarus grąžinimas
  • LV: ilgtspējīga atgriešanās
  • MT: Ritorn sostenibbli
  • NL: Duurzame terugkeer
  • PL: trwały powrót
  • PT: retorno sustentável
  • RO: returnare durabilă
  • SK: udržateľný návrat
  • SL: trajnostno vračanje
  • SV: hållbart återvändande
  • KA: მდგრადი დაბრუნება
  • UK: стійке повернення
  • HY: կայուն վերադարձ


  • sustainable reintegration
  • successful return


  1. There are many definitions and approaches to describe the concept of sustainable return migration / reintegration. A systematic analysis can be found in: IOM: Comparative Research on the Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration of Migrants, 2015.
  2. One way of defining sustainable return is defining it in a strict sense “as the absence of re-migration'(EU Commission). Another approach takes into account the socio-economic conditions (such as the availability of employment or access to housing and basic services) faced by the returnees which makes it possible to build a life in the country of origin. A third definition focuses on a number of rights, such as to public and social services, to property and to freedom of movement. While all these approaches focus on the individual, another approach looks at return in a wider perspective and focuses on the consequences of return for the wider society (for example 'brain gain'). For further information see: Gent, Saskia and Richard Black: Defining, Measuring and Influencing Sustainable Return, Briefing, 2005.
  3. There are many different definitions at the global level and equally, policies and approaches among EU Member States vary widely. For further information see: European Commission, DG Migration and Home Affairs: Comparative study on best practices to interlink pre-departure reintegration measures carried out in Member States with short- and long-term reintegration measures in the countries of return: final report, 2013.
  4. Sustainable return of migrants back to their countries of origin is an important aspect of comprehensive migration management.