- In the global context, a refugee who is identified by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and who is transferred from the country in which they have sought protection to a third state which has agreed to admit them as refugees with permanent residence status.
- In the EU context, a third-country national or stateless person who, on a resettlement request from UNHCR based on their need for international protection, are transferred from a third country to a Member State where they are permitted to reside with one of the following statuses:
(i) refugee status within the meaning of Art. 2(d) of Directive 2011/95/EU (Recast Qualification Directive) or
(ii) a status which offers the same rights and benefits under national and Union law as refugee status.
- Global context: Glossary of the UNHCR Resettlement Handbook
- EU context: Derived by EMN from Art. 2(a) of Regulation (EU) No 516/2014 (AMIF-Regulation)
- BG: презаселен бежанец
- CS: přesídlený uprchlík
- DE: neuangesiedelter Flüchtling
- EL: πρόσφυγας που επανεγκαθίσταται
- EN: resettled refugee
- ES: refugiado reasentado
- ET: ümberasustatud pagulane
- FI: uudelleensijoitettu pakolainen
- FR: réfugié réinstallé
- GA: dídeanaí athlonnaithe
- HR: preseljena izbjeglica
- HU: áttelepített menekült
- IT: rifugiato reinsediato
- LT: perkeltas pabėgėlis
- LV: pārmitināts bēglis
- MT: Rifuġjat(a) risistemat(a)
- NL: uitgenodigde vluchteling (NL); hervestigde vluchteling (BE)
- PL: przesiedlony uchodźca
- PT: refugiado reinstalado
- RO: refugiat relocat
- SK: presídlená osoba / presídlený utečenec / presídlenec
- SL: preseljeni begunec
- SV: kvotflykting
- NO: overføringsflyktning
- KA: (ევროკავშირიდან მესამე ქვეყანაში / მესამე ქვეყნიდან ევროკავშირში) განსახლებული ლტოლვილი
- UK: переселений біженець
- HY: վերաբնակեցված փախստական
- Programme refugee
- quota refugee
- resettled person
Broader Term(s)
Related Term(s)
1. It is the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) that, together with the relevant authorities in the State concerned, decides which refugees should be accepted; their refugee status is established by the UNHCR and accepted by the State in advance of entering the State.
2. In some cases, national authorities assess in addition as to whether the person concerned is a refugee.
3. There are different terms used in EU Member States depending on different legal concepts. In some Member States such refugees are accepted as part of a yearly resettlement programme.
4. IE uses the term ‘programme refugee’ in a wider context than ‘resettlement’ and defines in Section 24 of the Irish Refugee Act, 1996 as follows: ‘a person to whom leave to enter and remain in the State for temporary protection or resettlement as part of a group of persons has been given by the Government’.