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Migration and Home Affairs


A refugee who, although not returned directly to a country where they may be persecuted, is denied asylum or unable to find a State willing to examine their request, and are shuttled from one country to another in a constant search for asylum.


UNHCR International Thesaurus of Refugee Terminology


  • BG: no translation
  • CS: refugee in orbit (no translation)
  • DE: refugee in orbit (no usual translation)
  • EL: πρόσφυγας σε τροχιά
  • EN: refugee in orbit
  • ES: refugiados en órbita
  • ET: ringlev pagulane (no usual translation)
  • FI: kiertävä pakolainen
  • FR: réfugié en orbite
  • GA: dídeanaí ag fithisiú
  • HR: no usual translation
  • HU: no usual translation
  • IT: rifugiato vagante
  • LT: pabėgėlis orbitoje
  • LV: riņķojošs bēglis
  • MT: Rifuġjat(a) f’orbita / f’limbu
  • NL: vluchteling in orbit
  • PL: uchodźca na orbicie / refugee in orbit
  • PT: refugiado em órbita
  • RO: refugiat pe orbită
  • SK: utečenec v pohybe / refugee in orbit
  • SL: tavajoči begunec
  • SV: flykting på väg / flykting som slussas mellan länder
  • NO: videresendt flyktning (b); vidaresend flyktning (n)
  • KA: სხვადასხვა ქვეყანაში თავშესაფრის ძიებაში მყოფი ლტოლვილი
  • UK: біженець у русі
  • HY: շրջիկ փախստական

Related Term(s)