Interview with the applicant on the substance of their application for international protection which has to be conducted by the personnel of the determining authority.
Derived by EMN from Art. 14 of Directive 2013/32/EU (Recast Asylum Procedures Directive).
- BG: лично интервю за предоставяне на международна закрила
- CS: osobní pohovor k žádosti o udělení mezinárodní ochrany
- DE: persönliche Anhörung zum Antrag auf internationalen Schutz
- EL: προσωπική συνέντευξη για διεθνή προστασία
- EN: personal interview for international protection
- ES: entrevista personal para protección internacional
- ET: isiklik vestlus rahvusvahelise kaitse menetluses
- FI: turvapaikkapuhuttelu / henkilökohtainen puhuttelu kansainvälisen suojelun menettelyssä
- FR: entretien personnel sur la demande de protection internationale
- GA: agallamh pearsanta ar mhaithe le cosaint idirnáisiúnta
- HU: személyes meghallgatás a nemzetközi védelmi igény megállapítására irányuló eljárásban
- HR: saslušanje u postupku odobrenja međunarodne zaštite
- IT: colloquio personale per la protezione internazionale
- LT: asmeninis pokalbis dėl tarptautinės apsaugos (EU acquis); prieglobsčio prašytojo asmeninė apklausa
- LV: personiskā intervija (starptautiskās aizsardzības procedūrā)
- MT: Intervista personali għall-protezzjoni internazzjonali
- NL: persoonlijk gehoor/onderhoud over het verzoek om internationale bescherming
- PL: przesłuchanie w procedurze udzielenia ochrony miedzynarodowej
- PT: entrevista pessoal sobre pedido de proteção internacional
- RO: interviu individual pentru protecție internațională
- SK: osobný pohovor o žiadosti o medzinárodnú ochranu (EU acquis); osobný pohovor o žiadosti o azyl
- SL: osebni razgovor za mednarodno zaščito
- SV: personlig intervju för internationellt skydd
- NO: personintervju ved søknad om internasjonal beskyttelse (b); personintervju ved søknad om internasjonalt verm (n)
- KA: ინდივიდუალური გასაუბრება საერთაშორისო დაცვის მინიჭებასთან დაკავშირებით
- UK: особиста співбесіда з питання надання міжнародного захисту
- HY: անհատական հարցազրույց միջազգային պաշտպանության համար
- asylum interview
- interview in an asylum context
- personal interview
1. The personal interview shall be conducted before a decision is taken by the determining authority and shall take place under certain conditions set out in Art. 15 of Directive 2013/32/EU (Recast Asylum Procedures Directive). These conditions include:
- safeguarding confidentiality and ensuring that
- the interviewer is competent and able to take into account of the personal and general circumstances surrounding the application;
- wherever possible an interviewer of the same sex as the applicant is provided;
- an interpreter is selected who is able to ensure appropriate communication between the interviewer and the applicant;
- the interviewer does not wear a military or law enforcement uniform; and
- that interviews with minors are conducted in a child-appropriate manner.
2. The term personal interview for international protection is more commonly referred to as an asylum interview.