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Migration and Home Affairs

National Contact Points on Integration


A network of authorities responsible for integration issues which serves to facilitate exchange of information and good practice at EU level with the purpose of finding successful solutions for integration of immigrants in all EU Member States and to ensure policy coordination and coherence at national level and with EU initiatives.


European Website on Integration


  • BG: Национални точки за контакт по интеграция
  • CS: národní kontaktní body pro integraci
  • DE: Nationale Kontaktstellen für Integration
  • EL: Εθνικά Σημεία Επαφής για την Ένταξη
  • EN: National Contact Points on Integration
  • ES: puntos de contacto nacional de integración
  • ET: integratsiooni riiklikud kontaktpunktid
  • FI: kotouttamisasioiden kansalliset yhteyspisteet
  • FR: Points de contact nationaux en matière d’intégration
  • GA: Pointí Teagmhála Náisiúnta le haghaidh Imeascadh
  • HR: nacionalne kontaktne točke za integraciju
  • HU: nemzeti integrációs kapcsolattartó pontok
  • IT: Punti di contatto nazionali sull’integrazione
  • LT: Nacionalinis integracijos informacijos centras
  • LV: nacionālie integrācijas kontaktpunkti
  • MT: Punti ta’ Kuntatt Nazzjonali fuq l-Integrazzjoni
  • NL: nationale contactpunten voor integratie
  • PL: Krajowe punkty kontaktowe ds. Integracji
  • PT: Pontos de Contacto Nacionais de Integração
  • RO: punctele naţionale de contact pentru integrare
  • SK: národné kontaktné body pre integráciu
  • SL: Nacionalne kontaktne točke za integracijo
  • SV: nationella kontaktpunkter på integrationsområdet
  • NO: nasjonale kontaktpunkter på integreringsfeltet (b); nasjonale kontaktpunkt på integreringsfeltet (n)
  • KA: ეროვნული საკონტაქტო პირები ინტეგრაციის საკითხებში
  • UK: Національні контактні пункти з інтеграції
  • HY: Ինտեգրման ազգային կոնտակտային անձիք


  • NCPI

Broader Term(s)

Narrower Term(s)

  • Handbook on Integration

Related Term(s)


1. The network was created by the European Commission following the conclusions of the Council of Justice and Home Affairs (JAI) of October 2002.
2. The National Contact Points on Integration consider inter alia employment, education, language, health, housing, culture and participation. The network’s long-term objective is to develop and reinforce the European framework for integration, in order to define Common Basic Principles, to determine assessment measures, and to reinforce the coordination of national and European integration policies.
3. One output which the National Contact Points on Integration are very much involved in are the Handbooks on Integration. For more information, see the European website on Integration