In the context of EU integration policy, a set of 11 simple, non-binding but thoughtful guidelines intended to assist EU Member States in formulating their integration policies.
- Derived by the EMN from the European Website on Integration
- and JHA Council Conclusions of 19 November 2004
- BG: Общи основни принципи
- CS: společné základní principy
- DE: Gemeinsame Grundprinzipien
- EL: Κοινές Βασικές Αρχές
- EN: Common Basic Principles
- ES: principios básicos comunes
- ET: ühtsed aluspõhimõtted
- FI: yhteiset perusperiaatteet
- FR: principes de base communs
- GA: comhphrionsabail bhunúsacha
- HR: Zajednička temeljna načela
- HU: közös alapelvek
- IT: Principi Comuni di Base
- LT: bendrieji pagrindiniai principai
- LV: kopīgie pamatprincipi
- MT: Prinċipji Bażiċi Komuni
- NL: gemeenschappelijke basisprincipes
- PL: Wspólne Podstawowe Zasady
- PT: princípios básicos comuns
- RO: principii comune de bază
- SK: spoločné základné princípy / spoločné základné zásady
- SL: Skupna temeljna načela
- SV: gemensamma grundprinciper
- NO: felles grunnleggende prinsipper (b); Felles grunnleggjande prinsipp (n)
- KA: საერთო ძირითადი პრინციპები
- UK: Загальні базові принципи
- HY: Ընդհանուր Հիմնական Սկզբունքներ
- Common Basic Principles for immigrant integration policy
Broader Term(s)
Related Term(s)
1. The Common Basic Principles for Immigrant Integration Policy in the EU were adopted by the Justice and Home Affairs Council in November 2004 and form the foundations of EU initiatives in the field of integration.
2. The Common Basic Principles offer a guide for EU Member States against which they can judge and assess their own efforts. They can also use these basic principles to set priorities and further develop their own measurable goals. The principles are relevant both for EU Member States with considerable experience of substantial immigration as well as for those that have more recently become destinations for significant numbers of immigrants.
3. For more information, see the EU website on integration