A cooperation arrangement, on the basis of political declarations, that provides the bilateral framework for dialogue and practical cooperation to address relevant migration and mobility issues of mutual concern primarily with EU neighbourhood countries, including short and long-term mobility, on a voluntary basis.
Council Conclusions (No 42) on the Global Approach of Migration and Mobility of 29 May 2012
- BG: Партньорство за мобилност
- CS: partnerství pro mobilitu
- DE: Mobilitätspartnerschaft
- EL: σύμπραξη κινητικότητας
- EN: mobility partnership
- ES: asociación de movilidad
- ET: rändepartnerlus
- FI: liikkuvuuskumppanuus
- FR: partenariat pour la mobilité
- GA: comhpháirtíocht soghluaisteachta
- HR: partnerstvo za mobilnost
- HU: mobilitási partnerség
- IT: partenariato per la mobilità
- LT: judumo partnerystė
- LV: mobilitātes partnerība
- MT: Sħubija għall-mobbilita'
- NL: mobiliteitspartnerschap
- PL: Partnerstwo na rzecz Mobilności
- PT: parcerias para a mobilidade
- RO: parteneriat pentru mobilitate
- SK: partnerstvo v oblasti mobility / mobilitné partnerstvo
- SL: partnerstvo za mobilnost
- SV: partnerskap för rörlighet
- NO: mobilitetspartnerskap (b); mobilitetspartnarskap (n)
- KA: პარტნიორობა მობილობისთვის
- UK: партнерство з мобільності
- HY: շարժունակության շուրջ համագործակցություն
- MP
Related Term(s)
- circular migration
- Cooperation Platform on Migration and Development
- Global Approach to Migration and Mobility (GAMM)
- migration profile
- readmission agreement
1. Mobility partnerships (MPs) are an important tool of the EU’s Global Approach to Migration and Mobility (GAMM), providing the overall framework for managing various forms of legal movement between the EU and third countries. Such partnerships are agreed with those third countries that have in place effective mechanisms for readmission of irregular migrants.
2. Further information on the Global Approach to Migration and Mobility and on mobility partnerships.