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Migration and Home Affairs

Migration Preparedness and Crisis Blueprint


Operational framework for monitoring and anticipating migration flows and migration situations, building resilience as well as organising a coordinated response to a migration crisis.


Recital 11 of European Commission: Recommendation (EU) 2020/1366 on an EU mechanism for preparedness and management of crises related to migration (Migration Preparedness and Crisis Blueprint Recommendation).


  • BG: подробен план за подготвеност и кризи в областта на миграцията
  • CS: plán pro připravenost na migraci a pro migrační krize
  • DE: Vorsorge- und Krisenplan für Migration
  • EL: Σχέδιο στρατηγικής για την ετοιμότητα αντιμετώπισης και τη διαχείριση μεταναστευτικών κρίσεων
  • EN: Migration Preparedness and Crisis Blueprint
  • ES: Plan Rector de Preparación y Gestión de Crisis Migratorias
  • ET: rändevaldkonna valmisoleku- ja kriisikava
  • FI: muuttoliikettä koskeva varautumis- ja kriisisuunnitelma
  • FR: Plan de préparation et de gestion de crise en matière de migration
  • GA: an Treoirphlean Ullmhachta Imirce agus Géarchéime
  • HR: Plan za pripravnost i upravljanje krizama u području migracija 
  • HU: migrációs felkészültségi és válságkezelési terv
  • IT: Programma di preparazione e di risposta alle crisi
  • LT: Migracinės parengties ir migracijos krizių valdymo planas
  • LV: Migrācijas sagatavotības un krīzes plāns
  • MT: Tlestija għall-Migrazzjoni u Pjan Iddettaljat għall-Kriżijiet / Blueprint dwar it-Tħejjija għall-Migrazzjoni u l-Ġestjoni tal-Kriżijiet tal-Migrazzjoni
  • NL: Blauwdruk paraatheid en crisisbeheer in verband met migratie
  • PL: Migration Preparedness and Crisis Blueprint
  • PT: Mecanismo de preparação para a migração e gestão de crises migratórias
  • RO: Planul de acțiune în vederea pregătirii pentru situații de criză legate de migrație și a gestionării acestora
  • SK: Koncepcia pripravenosti a krízového riadenia v oblasti migrácie
  • SL: načrt za pripravljenost na migracije in migracijske krize
  • SV: beredskaps-och krisplan för migration
  • NO: Beredskapsplan for økte ankomster og andre ekstraordinære hendelser (b); Beredskapsplan for auka innkomstar og andre ekstraordinære hendingar (n)
  • KA: მიგრაციული პროცესებისთვის მზადყოფნისა და კრიზისულ ვითარებაში კოორდინაციის მექანიზმი
  • UK: План готовності до міграції та кризових ситуацій
  • HY: միգրացիոն ճգնաժամերի պատրաստվածության և կառավարման ծրագիր 


  1. The Migration Preparedness and Crisis Blueprint aims at developing an early warning and forecasting system at the EU level, which is expected to enable enhanced preparedness, effective governance and timely response to migration situations.
  2. The European Commission established the Migration Preparedness and Crisis Blueprint Network, a soft law instrument to support the EU's emergency and crisis response. The Blueprint is complementary to other EU crisis management mechanisms, such as the EU Civil Protection Mechanism and the Integrated Political Crisis Response (IPCR) arrangements. It is managed by DG Migration and Home Affairs and serves to monitor, collect, and disseminate vital information to inform subsequent crisis responses.
  3. The Migration Preparedness and Crisis Blueprint functions in two stages:
    • Stage 1: Monitoring and Preparedness: The objective of this stage is to support a more coordinated use of the existing legislation by reinforcing and sharing common situational awareness between all actors involved, developing an early warning/forecasting system at EU level and supporting the development of the necessary resilience in EU Member States to efficiently deal with any type of migration crisis.
    • Stage 2: Crisis management: The objective of this stage is to support a rapid, efficient and coordinated EU response to a migration crisis by providing timely and up-to-date information to the EU decision-makers on the unfolding operational situation as well as by supporting monitoring, coordination on the ground, and communication at technical level between all actors.
  4. Actors involved in the implementation of the two stages are:
    • EU Member States and their liaison officers,
    • Council,
    • European Commission, including the staff posted in the field and in the EU Delegations as well as the European Migration Liaison Officers (EMLOs),
    • European External Action Service including the EU Delegations, relevant Common Security and Defence Policy missions and operations,
    • EU Agencies (EUAA, Frontex, Europol, eu-LISA and FRA) including their liaison officers.