An initiative forming part of the South-East European Cooperation Process, which aims to enhance regional cooperation in the field of migration by promoting a comprehensive, integrated, and coherent approach to the issues of migration, asylum, border management, visa policies and consular cooperation, refugee return and settlement in order to meet international and European standards.
Website of Migration, Asylum, Refugees Regional Initiative (MARRI)
- BG: Регионална инициатива по миграция, убежище и бежанци
- CS: Regionální iniciativa pro migraci, azyl a uprchlíky
- DE: Regionale Migrations-, Asyl- und Flüchtlingsinitiative
- EL: Περιφερειακή Πρωτοβουλία για τη Μετανάστευση, το Άσυλο και τους Πρόσφυγες
- EN: Migration, Asylum, Refugees Regional Initiative (MARRI)
- ES: iniciativa regional para la migración, el asilo y los refugiados
- ET: rände, varjupaiga ja pagulaste regionaalne algatus
- FI: maahanmuuttoa, turvapaikkaa ja pakolaisia koskeva alueellinen aloite
- FR: initiative régionale en matière de migration, d’asile et de réfugiés
- GA: Tionscnamh Réigiúnach um Imirce, Tearmann & Dídeanaithe
- HR: Regionalna inicijativa za migracije, azil i izbjeglice (MARRI)
- HU: Migráció és Menekültügyi Regionális Kezdeményezés
- IT: Iniziativa Regionale Migrazione, Asilo, Rifugiati
- LT: Migracijos, prieglobsčio ir pabėgėlių regioninė iniciatyva
- LV: Migrācijas, patvēruma un bēgļu reģionālā iniciatīva
- MT: Inizzjattiva Reġjonali dwar il-Migrazzjoni, l-Ażil, u r-Rifuġjati
- NL: Regionaal Migratie-, Asiel- en Vluchtelingeninitiatief
- PL: Regionalna Inicjatywa w sprawach Migracji, Azylu i Uchodźstwa
- PT: Iniciativa Regional sobre Migração, Asilo e Refugiados
- RO: Iniţiativa regională cu privire la migraţaie, azil şi refugiaţi
- SK: Regionálna iniciatíva pre migráciu, azyl a utečencov
- SL: Regionalna pobuda za migracije, azil in begunce
- SV: regionala initiativet för migration, asyl och flyktingar
- NO: regionalt initiativ for asyl og flyktninger for Vest-Balkan (b); regionalt initiativ for asyl og flyktningar for Vest-Balkan (n)
- KA: რეგიონული ინიციატივა მიგრაციის, თავშესაფრისა და ლტოლვილთა საკითხებზე (MARRI)
- UK: Регіональна ініціатива з міграції, притулку, біженців (MARRI)
- HY: Միգրացիայի, ապաստանի, փախստականների տարածաշրջանային նախաձեռնություն
Related Term(s)
1. MARRI was formed in 2003 within the context of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe by merging the Regional Return Initiative (RRI) and the Migration and Asylum Initiative (MAI). Since 2004, MARRI has functioned through two mechanisms:
- the MARRI Regional Forum, which provides political and framework support to the Initiative, and
- the MARRI Regional Centre in Skopje, which carries out practical cooperation and activities of MARRI and supports the implementation of the decisions reached by the Regional Forum.
2. MARRI’s top priority is the enhancement of regional cooperation in its fields of activities among countries in the region, as a vital part of the EU integration process and in line with the Thessaloniki Agenda for the Western Balkans.
3. For more information, see the website of MARRI