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Migration and Home Affairs

lodging an application for international protection


The act of formalising the application for international protection with the determining authority or any other body charged with lodging as per national practice.


Derived by EMN from Art. 6 (2-4) of Directive 2013/32/EU (Recast Asylum Procedures Directive)


  • BG: подаване на молба за международна закрила
  • CS: poskytnutí údajů k podané žádosti o mezinárodní ochranu
  • DE: einen förmlichen Antrag auf internationalen Schutz stellen
  • EL: υποβολή/ κατάθεση αίτησης για διεθνή προστασία
  • EN: lodging an application for international protection
  • ES: formalizar una solicitud de protección internacional
  • ET: rahvusvahelise kaitse taotluse esitamine
  • FI: kansainvälistä suojelua koskevan hakemuksen jättäminen
  • FR: introduire une demande de protection internationale / déposer une demande de protection internationale
  • GA: iarratas ar chosaint idirnáisiúnta a thaisceadh
  • HR: podnošenje zahtjeva za međunarodnu zaštitu
  • HU: nemzetközi védelem iránti kérelem előterjesztése / benyújtása (a menekültügyi hatóság előtt)
  • IT: inoltro di una domanda di protezione internazionale
  • LT: tarptautinės apsaugos prašymo pateikimas (EU acquis); prašymo suteikti prieglobstį pateikimas
  • LV: starptautiskās aizsardzības pieteikuma iesniegšana
  • MT: preżentazzjoni ta' applikazzjoni għal protezzjoni internazzjonali
  • NL: indiening van een verzoek om internationale bescherming
  • PL: złożenie wniosku o udzielenie ochrony międzynarodowej / (formalne) złożenie wniosku o ochronę międzynarodową
  • PT: apresentação de pedido de proteção internacional
  • RO: depunere a unei cereri de protecție internațională
  • SK: podanie žiadosti o medzinárodnú ochranu
  • SL: vložiti prošnjo za mednarodno zaščito
  • SV: lämna in ansökan om internationellt skydd
  • NO: fremme en søknad om internasjonal beskyttelse (b); søkje om internasjonalt vern (n)
  • KA: საერთაშორისო დაცვის მოთხოვნის შესახებ განცხადების შეტანა
  • UK: подання заяви про надання міжнародного захисту
  • HY: միջազգային պաշտպանության դիմումի ներկայացնելը

Related Term(s)


1. According to Art. 6 (2) of Directive 2013/32/EU (Recast Asylum Procedures Directive), EU Member States have to ensure that a person who has made an application for international protection has an effective opportunity to lodge it as soon as possible and have to inform applicants where and how to lodge.
2. EU Member States may require that applications for international protection are lodged in person and/or at a designated place (Art.6 (3) of the Recast Asylum Procedures Directive)
3. An application for international protection shall be deemed to have been lodged once a form submitted by the applicant or, where provided for in national law, an official report has reached the competent authorities of the EU Member State concerned (Art. 6 (4) of the Recast Asylum Procedures Directive).