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Migration and Home Affairs


The movement of refugees and migrants by dangerous means from one location to another.


Derived by EMN from UNHCR: Draft Proposal for a Central Mediterranean Sea Initiative: EU solidarity for rescue-at-sea, protection and comprehensive responses, 2013


  • BG: no translation
  • CS: riskantní přesouvání
  • DE: gefährliche Weiterwanderung
  • EL: επικίνδυνη δευτερογενής μετακίνηση
  • EN: harmful onward movement
  • ES: movimientos irregulares peligrosos
  • ET: ohtlik (edasi) liikumine
  • FI: vaarallisin keinoin siirtyminen (uudistermi)
  • FR: mouvement secondaire dangereux
  • GA: athghluaiseacht dhainséarach
  • HR: opasno daljnje kretanje
  • HU: két hely közötti veszélyes átjutás
  • IT: spostamento pericoloso
  • LT: pavojingas judėjimas pirmyn
  • LV: bīstama pārvietošanās
  • MT: Mogħdija ’l quddiem dannuża / ta’ ħsara
  • NL: no translation
  • PL: niebezpieczne dalsze przemieszczanie się
  • PT: rotas perigosas
  • RO: mişcare de avansare periculoasă
  • SK: riskantné presúvanie sa utečencov a migrantov
  • SL: nevarno nadaljevanje poti
  • SV: farlig vidareförflyttning
  • NO: risikabel viderereise (b); risikabel vidarereise (n)
  • KA: საფრთხისშემცველი გადაადგილება
  • UK: небезпечне переміщення
  • HY: վտանգավոր երկրորդային տեղաշարժ


This term has only been recently put into use by practitioners.