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Migration and Home Affairs

Five plus Five (5+5) Dialogue on Migration in the Western Mediterranean


A trans-Mediterranean forum set up as a security initiative to secure closer cooperation between five EU Member States and five Arab Maghreb countries through political dialogue and economic cooperation, and by encouraging more efficient management of resources as a means of enhancing regional interdependence and development.


IOM website of the 5+5 Dialogue.


  • BG: 5+5 диалог по въпросите на миграцията в Западното Средиземноморие
  • CS: Dialog 5+5 o migraci v západním Středomoří
  • DE: 5+5 Dialog über Migration im Westlichen Mittelmeerraum
  • EL: 5+5 Διάλογος για τη Μετανάστευση για τη Δυτική Μεσόγειο
  • EN: Five plus Five (5+5) Dialogue on Migration in the Western Mediterranean
  • ES: Diálogo 5+5 sobre migración en el Mediterráneo Occidental
  • ET: 5+5 Vahemere lääneosa rände dialoog
  • FI: 5+5-vuoropuhelu Välimeren länsiosan maiden välillä
  • FR: Dialogue 5+5 sur la migration en Méditerranée occidentale
  • GA: Idirphlé 5+5 maidir leis an Imirce i réigiún na Meánmhara Thiar
  • HU: 5+5 Nyugat- Mediterrán Migrációs Párbeszéd
  • HR: "5 + 5" Dijalog o migracijama u zapadnom Sredozemlju
  • IT: Dialogo 5+5 sulle Migrazioni nel Mediterraneo Occidentale
  • LT: Vakarų Viduržemio jūros regiono valstybių dialogas „5+5“ migracijos klausimais
  • LV: 5+5 Vidusjūras rietumu valstu dialogs par migrāciju
  • MT: Djalogu 5+5 fuq il-Migrazzjoni fil-Punent tal‑Mediterran
  • NL: 5+5 dialoog over migratie in het Westelijke Middellandsezeegebied
  • PL: 5+5 Dialog na rzecz migracji w zachodniej części Morza Śródziemnego
  • PT: Diálogo 5+5 para o Mediterrâneo ocidental
  • RO: 5+5 Dialog cu privire la migraţie în zona vest Mediteraneeană
  • SK: Dialóg 5+5 o migrácii v západnom Stredomorí
  • SL: 5+5 Dialog o migracijah v zahodnem Sredozemlju
  • SV: 5+5-dialogen / dialog mellan länderna i västra Medelhavsområdet
  • NO: 5+5-dialog om migrasjon i det vestre Middelhavet
  • KA: 5+5 დიალოგი მიგრაციის საკითხებზე დასავლეთ ხმელთაშუაზღვისპირეთში
  • UK: Діалог «п’ять плюс п’ять» (5+5) про міграцію в Західному Середземномор’ї
  • HY: Արեվմտյան Միջերկրական երկրների 5+5 Երկխոսություն միգրացիայի շուրջ


  • 5+5 Dialogue
  • Western Mediterranean Forum

Related Term(s)


1. The Western Mediterranean Forum, commonly referred to as the 5+5 Dialogue, was officially launched in Rome in 1990.
2. The five Arab Maghreb countries are Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia, the 5 EU countries are FR, IT, MT, PT and ES, the forum is facilitated by the International Organization for Migration (IOM). Its areas of activity are information exchange, joint management of international borders, agreed forms of labour migration, migration for development, and protection of the rights of migrants in the Western Mediterranean region.
3. For more information see the IOM website on the 5+5 Dialogue.