A specialised liaison officer deployed to third countries in view of representing European Union return interests by verifying the identity of irregularly staying third-country nationals, capacity building in the field of return, supporting the organisation of joint return operations under coordination of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) and to facilitate the implementation of reintegration and post-arrival assistance.
- Proposal for a Regulation on the creation of a European network of immigration liaison officers (Recast), COM(2018) 303 final, and
- European Commission Staff Working Document: Evaluation of the Council Regulation (EC)377/2004 on the creation of an immigration liaison officers network, SWD(2018)197 final.
- BG: европейски служител за връзка по въпросите на връщането
- CS: Evropský styčný důstojník pro návraty
- DE: Europäischer Verbindungsbeamter für Rückkehrfragen
- EL: Αξιωματικός σύνδεσμος της ΕΕ για τις επιστροφές
- EN: European return liaison officer (EUR-LO)
- ES: Funcionario de enlace europeo para el Retorno
- ET: Euroopa tagasisaatmise sideohvitser
- FI: Euroopan palauttamisasioiden yhteyshenkilö
- FR: officier de liaison "retour" européen
- GA: oifigeach idirchaidrimh um fhilleadh
- HR: Europski časnik za vezu zadužen za vraćanje
- HU: Európai visszatérési összekötőtiszt
- IT: Funzionario europeo incaricato del rimpatrio
- LT: Europos grąžinimo ryšių palaikymo pareigūnas
- LV: Eiropas atgriešanas sadarbības koordinators
- MT: Uffiċjal (L-) tal-Kollegament Ewropew għar-Ritorn (UKER)
- NL: Europees verbindingsfunctionaris voor terugkeer / Europees verbindingsambtenaar voor terugkeer
- PL: Europejski oficer łącznikowy ds. powrotów
- PT: agente de ligação para o regresso
- RO: ofițer european de legătură pentru returnare
- SK: Európsky styčný dôstojník pre návraty
- SL: evropski uradnik za zvezo za vračanje
- SV: Europeisk sambandsman för återvändande
- NO: Europeisk sambandsmann for retur
- KA: დაბრუნების საკითხებში ევროპის მეკავშირე ოფიცერი (EUR-LO)
- UK: Європейський співробітник зі зв’язку з питань повернення (EUR-LO)
- HY: ԵՄ-ի՝ վերադարձի հարցերով երրորդ երկրներ գործուղված պատասխանատու
- European return liaison officer
Related Term(s)
- Immigration Liaison Officer (ILO)
- European migration liaison officer (EMLO)
1. As a response to the immigration liaison officers (ILOs) having to take more and more tasks in the context of return, a network of return liaison officers was developed in 2013 under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), Specific Actions, aiming at increasing the number of joint return operations and enhancing integrated operational cooperation on return amongst EU/EFTA Member States, the EU Commission, partner authorities in third countries, European Border and Coast Guard Agency, international Organisations and NGOs. The EURLOs are posted in diplomatic missions of EU Member States, CH and NO.
2. Since the adoption of Council Regulation (EC) No 377/2004 (ILO-Regulation) additional specialised officers were set up for different tasks such as the EURLOs, the European Migration Liaison Officers (EMLOs) and the European Border and Coast Guard Agency Liaison Officers.
3. In 2016, the European Commission carried out an evaluation of the ILO-Regulation of 2004 to ensure better cooperation of immigration liaisons officers, including those of the Commission and Union Agencies deployed to third countries to more effectively respond to EU priorities in terms of preventing and combating irregular migration, as well as facilitating the return of irregularly staying third-country nationals and supporting the management of legal immigration. For further information see: Evaluation of the Council Regulation (EC) 377/2004 on the creation of an immigration liaison officers network: final report, 2018, and Briefing to the European Parliament: Revision of the immigration liaison officers network Regulation (EC) 377/2004.