European migration liaison officer (EMLO) - European Commission
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Migration and Home Affairs

European migration liaison officer (EMLO)


A specialised liaison officer seconded in EU Delegations in third countries tasked to coordinate and represent EU interests in the field of migration with the aim of maximising the impact of EU action on migration in third countries and enhancing the engagement of key countries of origin and transit on the entire spectrum of migration.


Evaluation of Council Regulation (EC) No 377/2004 on the creation of an immigration liaison officers network: Final report - Study, 2018


  • BG: европейски служител за връзка по въпросите на миграцията
  • CS: Evropský styčný důstojník pro migraci
  • DE: Europäischer Verbindungsbeamter für Migrationsfragen
  • EL: Αξιωματούχος σύνδεσμος μετανάστευσης της ΕΕ
  • EN: European migration liaison officer (EMLO)
  • ES: Funcionario de Enlace europeo para Migración
  • ET: Euroopa rändeküsimuste sideohvitser
  • FI: Euroopan muuttoliikeyhteyshenkilö
  • FR: officier de liaison "migration" européen
  • GA: oifigeach Eorpach idirchaidrimh imirce
  • HR: Europski časnik za vezu zadužen za migracije
  • HU: Európai migrációs összekötőtiszt
  • IT: Funzionario europeo di collegamento incaricato dell’immigrazione
  • LT: Europos migracijos ryšių palaikymo pareigūnas
  • LV: Eiropas migrācijas sadarbības koordinators
  • MT: Uffiċjal (L-) tal-kollegament Ewropew għall-migrazzjoni (UKEM)
  • NL: Europees migratieverbindingsfunctionaris
  • PL: Europejski oficer łącznikowy ds. migracji
  • PT: agente de ligação europeu da migração
  • RO: ofițer de legătură european în materie de migrație
  • SK: Európsky styčný dôstojník pre migráciu
  • SL: evropski uradnik za zvezo za migracije
  • SV: Europeisk sambandsman för migration
  • NO: Europeisk sambandsmann for migrasjon
  • KA: მიგრაციის საკითხებში ევროპის მეკავშირე ოფიცერი (EMLO)
  • UK: Європейський співробітник зі зв’язку з питань міграції (EMLO)
  • HY: Երրորդ երկրներում ԵՄ պատվիրակություններում գործուղված միգրացիոն հարցերով պատասխանատու


  • EMLO
  • European migration liaison officer

Related Term(s)


1. EMLOs work in close cooperation with the immigration liaison officers' (ILOs) network and with local authorities and civil society, with the purpose of inter alia gathering, exchanging and analysing information.
2.To avoid the duplication of tasks and ensure ILOs Network effectiveness, EMLOs are not supposed to interfere in national competences and interests of ILOs, but are supposed to coordinate and support the ILOs Network, facilitate the contacts between the ILOs by organising regular meetings and also support the ILOs in the contacts with third country authorities.
3. EMLOs primarily represent the interests of the EU as a whole vis-à-vis host country authorities and address EU information needs on irregular migration.