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Migration and Home Affairs

European Border Surveillance System (EUROSUR)


A common framework for the exchange of information and for the cooperation between EU Member States and Frontex to improve situational awareness and to increase reaction capability at the external EU borders for the purpose of detecting, preventing and combating irregular migration and cross-border crime, and contributing to ensuring the protection and saving the lives of migrants.


Art. 1 of Regulation (EU) No 1052/2013 (EUROSUR Regulation)


  • BG: Европейска система за наблюдение на външните граници
  • CS: Evropský systém ostrahy vnější hranice
  • DE: Europäisches Grenzüberwachungssystem
  • EL: Ευρωπαϊκό Σύστημα Επιτήρησης των Συνόρων
  • EN: European Border Surveillance System (EUROSUR)
  • ES: Sistema europeo de vigilancia de fronteras
  • ET: Euroopa piiride valvamise süsteem
  • FI: Euroopan rajavalvontajärjestelmä
  • FR: Système européen de surveillance des frontières
  • GA: an Córas Eorpach um Fhaireachas ar Theorainneacha Seachtracha
  • HR: Europski sustav nadzora granica
  • HU: Európai Határőrizeti Rendszer
  • IT: Sistema europeo di sorveglianza delle frontiere esterne
  • LT: Europos išorinių sienų stebėjimo sistema
  • LV: Eiropas ārējo robežu uzraudzības sistēma
  • MT: Sistema Ewropea għas-Sorveljanza tal-Konfini /tal-Fruntieri
  • NL: Europees grensbewakingssysteem
  • PL: Europejski system nadzorowania granic
  • PT: Sistema Europeu de Vigilância das Fronteiras
  • RO: sistemul de supraveghere a frontierelor UE
  • SK: Európsky systém hraničného dozoru
  • SL: Evropski sistem varovanja meja
  • SV: europeiska gränsövervakningssystemet
  • NO: Det europeiske overvåkingssystemet for yttergrensene
  • KA: ევროპის სასაზღვრო მეთვალყურეობის სისტემა (EUROSUR)
  • UK: Європейська система прикордонного нагляду (EUROSUR)
  • HY: Սահմանի հսկողության եվրոպական համակարգ



Related Term(s)


1. EUROSUR was set up under Council Regulation (EU) No 1052/2013 (EUROSUR Regulation)
2. For more information, see the webpage of European Commission on EUROSUR.