European Asylum Support Office (EASO) - European Commission
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European Asylum Support Office (EASO)


A European Union agency mandated to focus on three major responsibilities: to contribute to the coherent implementation and development of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS), to support and strengthen practical cooperation among EU Member States on asylum and to provide and / or coordinate the provision of operational support to EU Member States, subject to particular pressure on their asylum and reception systems.


Derived by EMN from Art. 1 and 2 of Regulation (EU) No 439/2010 (EASO Regulation)


  • BG: Европейска служба за подкрепа в областта на убежището
  • CS: Evropský podpůrný úřad pro otázky azylu
  • DE: Europäisches Unterstützungsbüro für Asylfragen
  • EL: Ευρωπαϊκό Γραφείο Υποστήριξης για το Άσυλο
  • EN: European Asylum Support Office (EASO)
  • ES: Oficina Europea de Apoyo al Asilo
  • ET: Euroopa Varjupaigaküsimuste Tugiamet
  • FI: Euroopan turvapaikka-asioiden tukivirasto
  • FR: Bureau européen d’appui en matière d’asile
  • GA: an Oifig Tacaíochta Eorpach do Chúrsaí Tearmainn
  • HR: Europski potporni ured za azil (EASO)
  • HU: Európai Menekültügyi Támogatási Hivatal
  • IT: Ufficio Europeo di Sostegno per l’Asilo
  • LT: Europos prieglobsčio paramos biuras
  • LV: Eiropas Patvēruma atbalsta birojs
  • MT: Uffiċċju (L-)ta’ Appoġġ Ewropew fil-Qasam tal‑Ażil
  • NL: Europees Ondersteuningsbureau voor Asielzaken; Europees asielondersteuningsbureau (BE)
  • PL: Europejski Urząd Wsparcia w dziedzinie Azylu
  • PT: Gabinete Europeu de Apoio ao Asilo
  • RO: Biroul European de Sprijin în domeniul Azilului
  • SK: Európsky podporný úrad pre azyl
  • SL: Evropski azilni podporni urad
  • SV: Europeiska byrån för samarbete i asylfrågor
  • NO: Det europeiske støttekontoret på asylfeltet
  • KA: ევროპის თავშესაფრის მხარდაჭერის ოფისი (EASO)
  • UK: Європейське бюро з питань надання притулку (EASO)
  • HY: Ապաստանի աջակցության եվրոպական գրասենյակ


  • EASO
  • European Asylum Support Office

Broader Term(s)

Related Term(s)


  1. The European Asylum Support Office acts as a European centre of expertise on asylum, responsible for facilitating, coordinating and strengthening practical cooperation among EU Member States on the many aspects of asylum, so that EU Member States are better able to provide international protection to those entitled to it, while dealing fairly and efficiently with those who do not qualify for international protection, where appropriate.
  2. The Support Office should work closely with the EU Member States' asylum authorities, with national immigration and asylum services and other national services and with the European Commission. Furthermore, it should also carry out its duties without prejudice to those assigned to other relevant bodies of the European Union and shall work closely with these bodies as well as with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). However, it does not have any powers in relation to the taking of decisions by EU Member States' asylum authorities on individual applications for international protection.
  3. On 19 January 2022 Regulation (EU) 2021/2303 on the establishment of a European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA Regulation) entered into force, transforming the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) into a full-fledged agency with a broadened and enhanced mandate. For more information see the entry of the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) in this glossary.