European Agenda on Migration - European Commission
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Migration and Home Affairs

European Agenda on Migration


A strategic document of the European Union presented in May 2015 outlining a comprehensive approach to migration management addressing the asylum and migration challenges as well as defining steps to be taken to ensure strong borders, fair procedures and a sustainable system able to anticipate future problems in the context of asylum and migration.


European Commission: Communication: A European Agenda on Migration, COM(2015) 240.


  • BG: европейска програма за миграцията
  • CS: Evropský program pro migraci
  • DE: Europäische Migrationsagenda / Europäische Agenda für Migration
  • EL: Ευρωπαϊκή ατζέντα για τη μετανάστευση
  • EN: European Agenda on Migration
  • ES: Agenda Europea de Migración
  • ET: Euroopa rändekava
  • FI: Euroopan muuttoliikeagenda
  • FR: agenda européen en matière de migration
  • GA: Clár Oibre Eorpach maidir leis an Imirce
  • HR: Europski migracijski program
  • HU: Európai Migrációs Stratégia
  • IT: Agenda europea sulla migrazione
  • LV: Eiropas programma migrācijas jomā
  • LT: Europos migracijos darbotvarkė
  • MT: Aġenda (L-) Ewropea dwar il-Migrazzjoni
  • NL: Europese migratieagenda
  • PL: Europejska Agenda na Rzecz Migracji
  • PT: Agenda Europeia da Migração
  • RO: Agenda europeană privind migrația
  • SK: Európska migračná agenda
  • SL: Evropska agenda o migracijah
  • SV: den europeiska migrationsagendan
  • NO: Europeisk migrasjonsagenda
  • KA: მიგრაციის ევროპული დღის წესრიგი
  • UK: Європейський порядок денний з питань міграції
  • HY: Միգրացիայի եվրոպական օրակարգ

Related Term(s)

  • Partnership Framework on Migration


1.The European Agenda on Migration was presented by the European Commission on 13 May 2015.

2. It defines short term and long term priorities focusing on the following four pillars:

3. The Partnership Framework on Migration with third countries under the European Agenda on Migration was launched in June 2016, (COM(2016) 385). It fully integrates migration in the European Union's foreign policy and is the EU's comprehensive cooperation approach to better manage migration flows. Tailor-made agreements (compacts) with key third countries of origin and transit were developed with the following short-term objectives:

  • to save lives in the Mediterranean sea;
  • to increase the rate of returns to countries of origin and transit; and
  • to keep migrants and refugees close to home.

4. In the long term, the EU should continue to increase its efforts to address the root causes of irregular migration and forced displacement and to provide capacity building to the host communities and relevant institutions.