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Migration and Home Affairs


The set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of a society or a social group encompassing, in addition to art and literature, lifestyles, ways of living together, value systems, traditions and beliefs.


Derived by EMN from the definition in the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity


  • BG: култура
  • CS: kultura
  • DE: Kultur
  • EL: πολιτισμός, κουλτούρα
  • EN: culture
  • ES: cultura
  • ET: kultuur
  • FI: kulttuuri
  • FR: culture
  • GA: cultúr
  • HR: kultura
  • HU: kultúra
  • IT: cultura
  • LT: kultūra
  • LV: kultūra
  • MT: Kultura
  • NL: cultuur
  • PL: kultura
  • PT: cultura
  • RO: cultura
  • SK: kultúra
  • SL: kultura
  • SV: kultur
  • NO: kultur
  • KA: კულტურა
  • UK: культура
  • HY: մշակույթ

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