A person who leaves their country to escape from the effects of armed conflicts (direct effects of fighting, assaults of combat troops, displacements etc.).
Derived by EMN from the definitions for refugee, person eligible for subsidiary protection and temporary protection in the EMN Glossary.
- BG: бежанец вследствие на (гражданска) война
- CS: válečný uprchlík
- DE: (Bürger-)Kriegsflüchtling
- EL: πρόσφυγας εμφυλίου πολέμου
- EN: (civil) war refugee
- ES: refugiado por conflictos bélicos
- ET: sõjapõgenik
- FI: (sisällis)sotapakolainen
- FR: réfugié de guerre (civile)
- GA: dídeanaí cogaidh chathartha
- HR: ratna izbjeglica
- HU: (polgár) háborús menekült
- IT: rifugiato a causa di una guerra (anche civile)
- LT: pabėgėlis dėl pilietinio karo
- LV: kara bēglis
- MT: Rifuġjat(a) minħabba gwerra (ċivili)
- NL: (burger)oorlogsvluchteling
- PL: uchodźca wojenny
- PT: refugiado de guerra
- RO: refugiat de razboi (civil)
- SK: utečenec z dôvodu (občianskej) vojny
- SL: vojni begunec
- SV: krigsflykting
- NO: (borger)krigsflyktning (b); (borgar)krigsflyktning (n)
- KA: (სამოქალაქო) ომის გამო ლტოლვილი
- UK: біженець від (громадянської) війни
- HY: քաղաքացիական պատերազմի փախստական
Related Term(s)
- de facto refugee
- displaced person
- person eligible for subsidiary protection
- subsidiary protection
- temporary protection
1. In accordance with the EU acquis (notably Directive 2011/95/EU (Recast Qualification Directive) , such a person could be granted refugee status or subsidiary protection status, depending on the grounds on which their application is based (i.e. depending on whether they were compelled to leave as a result of fear of persecution linked to ;a Convention ground for persecution or serious harm in the context of indiscriminate violence).
2. If there is a mass influx to the EU of such persons who have been displaced, they may also be eligible for temporary protection in accordance with Council Directive 2001/55/EC (Temporary Protection Directive) .