- In the global context, a person who seeks protection from persecution or serious harm in a country other than their own and awaits a decision on the application for refugee status under relevant international and national instruments.
- In the EU context, a third-country national or stateless person who has made an application for protection under the Geneva Refugee Convention and Protocol in respect of which a final decision has not yet been taken.
- Global context: Developed by EMN
- EU context: Derived by EMN from Art. 2(b) of Council Directive 2005/85/EC (Asylum Procedures Directive)
- BG: търсещ убежище
- CS: žadatel o azyl
- DE: Asylbewerber (EU acquis, DE); Asylwerber (AT); Asylantragsteller (LU)
- EL: αναζητών άσυλο (EL); αιτητής ασύλου (CY)
- EN: asylum seeker
- ES: solicitante de asilo
- ET: varjupaigataotleja
- FI: turvapaikanhakija
- FR: demandeur d’asile
- GA: iarratasóir ar thearmann
- HR: tražitelj azila
- HU: menedékkérő
- IT: richiedente asilo
- LT: prieglobsčio prašytojas
- LV: patvēruma meklētājs
- MT: Applikant(a) għall-ażil
- NL: asielzoeker
- PL: osoba ubiegająca się o nadanie statusu uchodźcy (azyl)
- PT: requerente de asilo
- RO: solicitant de azil
- SK: žiadateľ o udelenie azylu / žiadateľ o azyl
- SL: prosilec za azil
- SV: asylsökande
- NO: asylsøker (b); asylsøkjar (n)
- KA: თავშესაფრის მაძიებელი
- UK: шукач притулку
- HY: ապաստան հայցող
- asylum applicant
Broader Term(s)
Related Term(s)
1. In most EU Member States this term is understood as a synonym to applicant for international protection following the adoption of Directive 2011/95/EU (Recast Qualification Directive) and Directive 2013/32/EU (Recast Asylum Procedures Directive). However, IE which has not adopted the single procedure, continues to use the term ‘asylum seeker’ for an applicant who requests protection under the Geneva Refugee Convention and Protocol only. In DE the term is still used to include, in addition to the provisions of Directive 2011/95/EU, those of the national legislation, Art. 16a Basic Law.
2. Outside EU legislation, the terms 'asylum seeker' or 'asylum applicant' are often used more frequently than ‘applicant for international protection’ in the everyday use of the term.