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Calls for Applications

Thematic Panel members for the EU Knowledge Hub on Prevention of Radicalisation

About the EU Knowledge Hub

The EU Knowledge Hub on the Prevention of Radicalisation supports Member States in strengthening their efforts on preventing radicalisation through a comprehensive, whole-of-society approach. The activities organised and carried out  by the EU Knowledge Hub will bridge the gaps between policymakers, practitioners, and researchers at EU level, fostering the exchange of knowledge and best practices. 

Thematic Panels

The Thematic Panels are a key component of the Knowledge Hub. We are seeking applications for Thematic Panel members to contribute to the work in various P-CVE areas identified as EU priorities. The panels will provide a platform for practitioners and policy makers as well as researchers, where relevant, to network, discuss, brainstorm and consolidate knowledge on preventing radicalisation on these priority topics. 

The Knowledge Hub will comprise seven thematic panels focusing on the following areas in line with the main priorities set out in the Strategic Orientations for 2024-2025. You can read here for more details.

  1. Ideologies and Conspiracy Narratives
  2. Prisons Rehabilitation and Reintegration
  3. New Technologies and the Online Dimension
  4. Local Dimension, Polarisation, and Resilience Building
  5. Lone Actors and Mental Health Issues
  6. Management of Foreign Terrorist Fighters, Volunteers, and Their Families
  7. Global and Geopolitical Factors and Undesirable Foreign Influences

Role of the Thematic Panel members

We are excited to announce the recruitment of the members for each thematic panel. The selected candidates will have the following opportunities:

  • Participating in all meetings (online and offline) of the panel.
  • Contributing to the discussions on the topics to be covered in the respective panel and to formulating the expected deliverables taking into account work already done and deliverables produced on the topics in question.
  • Contributing to the creation of impactful outputs, such as roadmaps, recommendations, best practices, toolkits, and reports.

Profile and Requirements

We seek candidates with the following qualifications:

  • Proven expertise in Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P-CVE), in particular, on one of the seven topics for thematic panels that the candidate is applying for.
  • General Knowledge and experience in strategic communications and evaluation will be considered an advantage. 
  • Fluency in English (C1 level) as per the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. 
  • Be a national of an EU Member State and be based in Europe. In addition, depending on the thematic panel and the topic of the meeting, a small proportion of the places may be reserved for nationals from priority third countries (Norway, Switzerland, UK, Western Balkans, other EU candidate countries, as well as Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Morocco, Tunisia.)
  • Applicants to the call need to create a profile in the Expert Database if they haven’t yet done so.

Time Commitment 

  • Members will participate in up to four meetings (3 in person and 1 online) annually, each lasting 1-2 days.
  • Travel, accommodation and catering will be provided by the Knowledge Hub consortium; no daily allowance and no financial compensation will be provided.

Application Procedure

Interested candidates are invited to apply by completing the application form and submitting their Curriculum Vitae in the Europass format. Applications must be submitted by 5 February 2025. The selection process will take into account geographical and gender balance, and will ensure a mix of policymakers, practitioners with a strong field expertise, and researchers. Selected candidates will be notified in the first half of February.

N.B.: Applicants to the earlier call for thematic panel leaders are not required to submit a new application under this call. They will be contacted individually to confirm their interest in contributing as members of the relevant thematic panel. Their inclusion in the pool of applicants will not guarantee selection. All applications, including those from the call for panel leaders, will be evaluated based on their merits, while ensuring diversity in terms of nationality, gender, and professional background (practitioners, researchers, policymakers). The number of available positions within each thematic panel remains limited.

For questions or additional information, please contact

We look forward to receiving your applications and working together to make a significant impact on the prevention of radicalisation in the EU.

Record keeping 

Records and other supporting documentation to prove compliance with the experts obligations (original supporting documents, in particular on travel and other expenses) must be kept for at least three years after the final payment under a contract (5 years for contracts above 60 000 EUR).

In case of on-going checks, audits, investigations, litigation or other pursuits of claims, the records and other supporting documentation must be kept until the end of these procedures.

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The EU Knowledge Hub is inviting candidates to the Mentoring Programme!

The EU Knowledge Hub on Prevention of Radicalisation is looking for candidates to participate in the pilot round of the “Mentoring of the next generation of PCVE practitioners and policymakers” Programme.

Mentoring of the next generation of PCVE practitioners and policymakers

The implementation of the Mentoring Programme draws on the work of RAN Young that contributed  to training the new generation of EU PCVE professionals. 

The Knowledge Hub mentoring programme will keep on training young PCVE professionals with PCVE and soft skills, whilst providing an individualised mentor approach  to each young person involved in the programme in order to better answer to their needs and objectives. 

This programme will support young professionals to become actors of positive change, promoting opportunities for their development, and drawing inspiration from their actions and vision.

Why Apply?

The Mentoring Programme offered by the EU Knowledge Hub enables young practitioners, researchers or policymakers who are new to the PCVE field to draw on the wealth of knowledge and experience of more advanced and experienced colleagues. By participating, you will: 

  • Deepen your PCVE skills and knowledge.
  • Develop stronger leadership and entrepreneurship skills.
  • Build an international network.
  • Support your local PCVE Community.
  • Strengthen cross-sectorial collaboration.
  • Promote knowledge transfer and ensur the continuity of practices.

The course of the Mentoring Programme

The Programme will pair a total of 80 participants for a period of two years, meaning 40 pairs of young adults matched with experienced PCVE experts

To ensure geographical and sectoral balance, each pair will be made up of people from different nationalities and based in different countries. In case of higher number of candidates and if all criteria are met, larger EU Member States such as Germany, France, Spain, Italy, and Poland, may be allocated places for 2 candidates. The Programme will allocate up to 6 spots for candidates from the MENA/Western Balkans region or candidates from other countries having an EU membership candidate status.

The Programme will include a total of 2 in-person meetings and up to 3 online meetings for each pair of young adults and mentors per year. The locations for the on-site meetings will be determined on a case-by-case basis (considering convenient travel and accommodation conditions).

The first mentor-mentee pairs will start in April 2025 with a 30-minute online “chemistry” session to check their compatibility!

All logistics of these meetings, including accommodation, transportation, catering and venue arrangements, will be handled by the EU Knowledge Hub.

Roles and Responsibilities

During the first mentoring session (different from the “chemistry” session), mentors and young adults will establish specific goals based on the needs identified in their application. These goals will be reviewed during the mid-term assessment after the first year. Mentors play a crucial role in shaping the mentee's development by offering guidance and expertise. This support helps them build the skills and confidence needed to succed in the PCVE field.

At the end of the two-year Programme, young adults will submit a report summarising their key learnings and outcomes.

The Programme allows for the pairing termination at any time. However, the EU Knowledge Hub must be notified about the case and reason immediately.

In addition, twice per year, in-person trainings will be organised for the mentees to meet their peers, network, build personal relationships. The trainings will encompass a mix of soft skills (communication, leadership, setting up a business plan, etc) and also PCVE related topics (presentation of EU Knowledge Hub and priorities, presentations by experienced PCVE experts on given topics), etc. All logistics of these trainings, including accommodation, transportation, catering will be handled by the EU Knowledge Hub. 

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

Candidates for the Mentoring Programme must meet all the following criteria:

  • Be under 28 years old.
  • Have less than 3 years of professional experience in PCVE or be a recent university graduate.
  • Be a citizen of an EU Member State, a Western Balkan country, the MENA region countries or other countries having an EU membership candidate status. 
  • Important note: candidates with dual nationality, one from a Member State and another one from an eligible third country, may apply only once, using the nationality they consider most relevant.
  • Have a good command of English (CEFR level B2) proven by either a diploma or a degree taught in English, an English language certificate, a thesis or master’s thesis written in English, or authorship of publications/articles in English. Please check your level of English by following this link.  
  • Be employed in the public service, NGO sector, or a research organisation/think tank/university, or to be a student or unemployed with a strong interest in developing a career in this field.
  • Be highly motivated, interested in the field of PCVE, and provide a letter of reference (maximum 2 pages in English) from a PCVE expert with more than 8 years of experience.


The Call for candidates to the “Mentoring of the next generation of PCVE practitioners and policymakers Programme” closes on 28 February 2025 EOB. 

Candidates who are interested should complete the application form and submit the required documents before the deadline.

A subsequent call for recruiting the mentors will be published once the young mentees are selected.

For further information or inquiries, contact

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The EU Knowledge Hub is inviting candidates to the Mutual Job Shadowing Programme for practitioners, policymakers, and researchers!

The European Commission with the support of the EU Knowledge Hub on Prevention of Radicalisation is looking for candidates to participate in the pilot round of the “Mutual Job Shadowing for practitioners, policymakers, and researchers” Programme.

The Mutual Job Shadowing for practitioners, policymakers, and researchers

The Mutual Job Shadowing Programme builds on the legacy of the Practitioners’ Exchange Programme under RAN, which contributed to the exchange of first-hand experiences and dissemination of knowledge, between practitioners from different Member States.

The Mutual Job Shadowing of the Knowledge Hub builds on the experience of the earlier RAN programme and extends its scope to include policy makers and researchers alongside practitioners. Participants in the Knowledge Hub Mutual Job Shadowing will have an opportunity to learn more about PCVE practices in another country from job profiles that may be different from their own. It focuses on understanding experiences and processes that work effectively and could be applied and be beneficial to other organisations. 

Mutual Job Shadowing Experience Overview 

  • Facilitate skill exchange and the sharing of innovative practices between individual experts, offering a valuable learning opportunity. 
  • Promote bilateral cooperation across diverse organisations, strengthening collaboration and knowledge transfer.
  • Engage in observational learning by following an expert’s daily activities, including tasks, meetings, interactions, and decision-making processes.
  • Gain direct insights into the specialists’ expertise and the organisation’s practices.
  • Identify personal growth opportunities, exploring areas where skills and knowledge can be further developed. 
  • Advance professional development by recognising key areas for improvement and refining expertise.

Furthermore, the Programme enables the host entity offering job shadowing to position itself as a forward-thinking actor in the field of prevention of radicalisation, showcasing its commitment to sharing successful experiences and practices. By doing so, the organisation contributes to the continuous improvement and effectiveness of actions in the PCVE area.

Why Apply?

The Mutual Job Shadowing Programme provided by the EU Knowledge Hub enables practitioners, policymakers, and researchers to draw on the wealth of knowledge and expertise of more experienced colleagues and their organisations, while reinforcing important values ​​such as: 

  • Learning, exchanging, comparing PCVE practices (in different national contexts).
  • Direct observation of many details in practice (different context, and different PCVE approach).
  • Familiarising with the culture of entities operating successfully in the PCVE field.
  • Gaining first-hand knowledge and experience of aspects of PCVE work in which previous experience is lacking or in which one wishes to develop. 
  • Optimising organisational processes through practical insights into how others manage and execute PCVE work.
  • Uncovering nuances that often are not visible when doing the work yourself, offering a fresh perspective on your own practices.

The course of the Mutual Job Shadowing Programme

The Programme will include a total of 20 Mutual Job Shadowing pairs for exchanges lasting between 2 and 10 working days, i.e., 40 practitioners, policymakers and/or researchers dealing with PCVE matched

Submitted applications will be reviewed to ensure geographical and gender diversity, and balanced representation of participants from different countries. The matching process will be carried out based on the collected applications, candidates’ profiles, and the criteria indicated in the call.

All logistics of the visit, including travel, accommodation, and catering, will be handled by the EU Knowledge Hub. No daily allowances will be paid.

Any extensions of the visit for personal or professional reasons will be at the participant's expense.

Roles and Responsibilities

Once paired, both participants must develop a joint visit programme covering 2 to 10 working days and submit it to the EU Knowledge Hub for approval.

Within 2 weeks of the end of the exchange, each participant must submit a report summarising their visit and key conclusions. In addition, the exchange participants (pair) will prepare a joint report detailing key learnings and potential areas for future cooperation during the Mutual Job Shadowing visits. 

Non-compliance from the participants of the Mutual Job Shadowing Programme in submitting reports will result in exclusion from future Knowledge Hub activities.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

Candidates for the Mutual Job Shadowing Programme must meet all the following criteria:

  • Have at least 3 years of professional experience as a practitioner, policymakers, or researcher in PCVE.
  • Be a citizen of an EU Member State, a Western Balkan country, or the MENA region, or partner third countries like the UK, USA[1], Norway and Switzerland. Important note: candidates with dual nationality, one from a Member State and the other from an eligible third country, may apply only once, using the nationality they consider most relevant.
  • Have a good command of English (CEFR level B2). Please check your level of English by following this link.  
  • Demonstrate high motivation to join the Programme.
  • Indicate preferred fields of interest within the PCVE scope.


The Call for candidates to the “Mutual Job Shadowing for practitioners, policymakers and researchers Programme” closes on 28 February 2025 EOB. 

Candidates who are interested should complete the application form and submit the required documents before the deadline.

For further information or inquiries, contact

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