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Migration and Home Affairs
Expert opinion

RAN event Mental Health in prison, online meeting 23-24 September 2020


Publication date
15 January 2021
Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs
RAN Publications Topic
  • Mental health issues


On 23 and 24 September, a group of mental health professionals, from across Europe, working in preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) in the penitentiary system discussed the promotion of good mental health in prisons.

The different EU Member States have their particularities and distinct approaches to this topic, but all practitioners agreed that the health services provided to prisoners should be equivalent to the specific needs of each type of inmate (including those radicalised or at risk of radicalisation). Mental health care should involve the recognition and basic management of common mental problems and disorders, together with the promotion of physical health and the prevention of radicalisation in inmates.

This conclusions paper is the result of this meeting and shares the different conceptual ideas, experiences, and practical tips and insights on:

  • promotion of awareness of the importance of inmates’ health as a form of containment, prevention and rehabilitation;
  • good prison management of the resources intended to promote the health of inmates;
  • raising awareness on human rights, challenging stigmatising attitudes, and encouraging mental health promotion for staff and prisoners;
  • training for prison staff on mental health and P/CVE-related issues (including health workers, prison administrators and prison guards).
RAN event Mental Health in prison cover


26 MAY 2021
RAN event Mental Health in prison