The sections below provide an overview of the main trends, policies and legislation relevant to the integration of migrants in Cyprus. You will also find information about EU funds and other forms of financing available to integration initiatives in the country, as well as links to various useful resources.
According to Eurostat's Migration and migrant population statistics, as of 1 January 2024, there were about 170 000 third-country nationals (TCNs), representing 17.6% of the population, and another 90 000 EU citizens (9.3%) living in Cyprus at the time.
In 2022, 49.4% of all first residence permits were issued for work, 21.5% - for family reunification, and 5% for study purposes, according to the European Migration Network (EMN)’s July 2024 country factsheet for Cyprus. Other detailed statistical data are available in the inform, with insights about the age and gender of TCNs, most common types of residence permits issued and international protection statistics.
Additionally, by the end of January 2025, Cyprus had welcomed 22 460 non-EU citizens who had fled the war against Ukraine and were under the temporary protection – see monthly updates in the numbers of temporary protection beneficiaries on Eurostat.
The OECD/EC Indicators of Immigrant Integration 2023: Settling In report provides further breakdowns of the composition of migrant populations and households in Cyprus, including in terms of immigration flows by legal category, concentration in densely populated areas, duration of stay, and household composition.
In 2021, Cyprus presented a comprehensive national plan for the integration of migrants to serve as a reference document for state integration policies, as well as to delineate the overall priorities the state would seek to address. The plan also sets the parameters for project financing for the new EU programming period, 2021-2027.
The national plan was developed following an open consultation process with migration and integration practitioners, civil society organisations, government agencies and services, national authorities, and migrants themselves. Following that process, eight priority axes for integration were formulated:
- interventions related to the recognition and certification of migrants’ knowledge and skills
- interventions related to the training of migrants and other target groups
- interventions aimed at raising awareness among migrants, host societies and those involved in the integration process
- interventions that facilitate migrant access to the welfare state
- protection of the rights of vulnerable groups of migrants and beneficiaries of international protection
- interventions to support the integration process through ongoing counselling
- development of supportive tools for integration
- establishment of a management mechanism
However, the plan has not been ratified by the Council of Ministers and will be replaced by the ‘New Action Plan on Integration 2024-2026’.
In February 2022, a Memorandum of Understanding that includes Cyprus’ Migration Action Plan was signed between Cyprus and the European Commission to manage migration flows.
There is no mandatory, overarching integration programme in Cyprus. However, several projects aiming to promote the integration of TCNs have been implemented to support migrants. These provide information services, training, and educational opportunities. Additionally, multiple programmes seek to raise awareness and understanding of migration issues among the host population and specific groups, such as employers, journalists, public officials and others. Since 2007, initiatives provide sometimes-free-of-charge Greek language classes or civic education to young and adult TCNs, as well as integration awareness trainings for employers, teachers, journalists and public officials.
Notable projects funded through the EU's Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) which seek to support integration include:
- Migrant Information Centre (MiHub): MiHub operates in four cities in Cyprus and serves as a one-stop-shop for assistance, support and information to migrants.
- Mathaino Ellinika: A project offering Greek-language lessons and mediation services to migrant students attending schools around Cyprus. The project is specifically designed to meet the needs and expectations of third country students, helping them to elevate their capacity to speak, read and write in Greek. Furthermore, it has trained migrant mediators who serve as the link between schools and migrant families, offering support to ensure effective communication between them.
- An initiative of the education ministry and the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute promotes the social and educational integration of TCNs in schools through the empowerment of teachers and the improvement of relationships between schools and parents (active in the 2017-2018 period).
Other migrant integration projects include:
- Employability Hub: a programme initiated in December 2022 to enhance the employability and inclusion of disadvantaged groups, promoting their employment, language and digital skills.
- e-Learning for Change: a series of free online Greek and English language classes to assist and empower non-Greek and non-English speaking migrants in their economic and social integration.
- Help Refugees Work: An online platform developed by UNHCR Cyprus and the Cyprus Refugee Council. The platform connects beneficiaries of integrational protection with vocational education providers and employers to help them build up their skills and pursue employment opportunities.
The implementation of projects under the 2021-2027 AMIF programme of Cyprus is advancing as well.
In addition, through the ‘Building Structures for the intercultural integration in Cyprus’ initiative, five intercultural regional networks on the integration of migrants were formed with the involvement of the Migration Department, local authorities and migrant organisations. Besides, these mostly integration related activities are carried out on an ad-hoc basis by governmental institutions, local authorities, and civil society organisations with the support of EU funds.
No evaluation is publicly available for either the integration plan or the integration projects.
Evaluation may, however, be available for the separate EU-funded projects which follow strict quality assurance rules.
The international Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) points out that Cyprus’s approach to integration is categorised as 'immigration without integration' because the country's policies still do not reflect its reality as a country of immigration. Non-EU immigrants are denied many basic rights and opportunities and face some uncertainty about their long-term future in Cyprus. The country scores 41 out of 100 points on the MIPEX 2020 scale, with the average score being 49.
The Aliens and Immigration Law (Chapter 105) of 1952 regulates the stay of TCNs in Cyprus. The most recent amendments made in 2017 align this national law with the EU directive 2014/36/EU on seasonal workers as well as the EU directive 2014/66/EU on intra-corporate transfers.
The Cypriot Refugee Law of 2000 complements the law on foreigners to provide better protection for beneficiaries of international protection. It was last amended in 2016 to align with the revised EU directive 2013/32/EU on asylum procedures and the EU directive 2013/33/EU on reception conditions. In 2017, the Cypriot parliament also approved the agreement between the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees (UNHCR) and Cyprus regarding UNHCR’s operations in the country.
The Civil Registry Law states that TCNs can acquire Cypriot citizenship after 7 years of legal residence (or 5 years if they are the parents of Cypriot citizens). Migrants can also acquire citizenship if they have been married to a Cypriot national for more than 3 years and have lived in the country for at least 2 of them. Amendments introduced in 2011 and 2013 allow for the naturalisation of non-Cypriot investors even if they do not fulfill these criteria.
Some legislation combating discrimination in Cyprus is applicable to migrants. The Equal Treatment in Employment and Occupation Law of 2004 addresses discrimination on the grounds of race and ethnicity in the fields of social protection, medical care, education, and access to services. The Equal Treatment in Employment and Work Law is also applicable. The Law Fighting Racial and Other Discriminations applies to all types of discrimination related to racial or ethnic origin.
The governance of integration in Cyprus is led by the Ministry of Interior. Ιts European Funds Unit assesses funding needs and subsequently designs and manages the implementation of AMIF projects, while its Civil Registry and Migration Department is meant to improve the administrative capacity of public services. The Ministry of Interior is also the Cypriot contact point coordinator for the European Migration Network.
Other national stakeholders involved in migrant integration include the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute of the Ministry of Education and Culture - which is particularly active with the integration of TCNs who are minors - and the Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance which prepared the Strategy on the employment of TCNs.
At the regional and municipal level, local authorities are taking a very active role in the integration of TCNs in Cyprus. Municipalities offer social support services such as counselling, psychological support, daycare for children aged 5-12, information services, seminars and intercultural events. Over the years, around 15 municipalities across the island have taken part in the integration programme by local authorities project, either as project coordinators or as project partners.
There is no consultative body on migrant integration in Cyprus.
In the 2021-2027 AMIF programme of Cyprus there are specific provisions regarding the participation of NGOs in the progamme’s monitoring committee. The committee meets at least once a year and reviews all issues that affect the progress of the programme towards achieving its objectives.
Otherwise, civil society organisations in Cyprus mainly offer legal and social support, provide integration services, conduct research and raise awareness on issues affecting migrants and beneficiaries of international protection. Several informal volunteer groups have also been established recently to support beneficiaries of international protection and asylum seekers with finding employment and organising recreational activities.
Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF)
- Details: The initial allocation for Cyprus under the 2021-2027 AMIF programme is €59,127,196 (this represents the EU contribution). Out of it, 47% was allocated to asylum, 18% to integration and legal migration and 29% to return activities. The remaining 6% is for technical assistance, to support the implementation of the programme.
- The Cypriot AMIF programme worked on the following national integration priorities: integration measures targeting the education sector; preparatory actions to facilitate access to the labour market and assessment of skills with the aid of EU Skills Profile Tool for TCNs; integration measures by local authorities/ NGOs; integration measures for victims of human trafficking; improving administrative capacity.
- National managing authority: The managing authority for the AMIF programme in Cyprus is the European Funds Unit of the Ministry of Interior.
- The Asylum Migration and Integration Fund released its latest call for proposals on the 8 December 2023, that is pertinent to the funding of projects falling within the Specific Objectives 1 ‘Common European Asylum System’ and 2 ‘Legal Migration and Integration’. In particular the call concerns the following projects:
- Establishment and operation of an Open Reception Centre for Unaccompanied Minors who are third-country nationals
- Establishment and operation of an Open Reception Centre for Vulnerable Persons-Applicants for international protection
- Greek language courses for adults
- Greek language courses for minors
- Establishment of a Migrant Information Centre (MIC).
- A notable example of an AMIF project is Enhancing structures and policies for intercultural integration in Cyprus, a 14-month project to be implemented by the Intercultural Cities Programme and the EC’s Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support, in partnership with the Civil Registry and Migration Department of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Cyprus. The project began at the end of October 2023.
European Social Fund Plus (ESF+)
- Details: The EU will invest 222 million EUR via ESF+ in funds in Cyprus over the 2021-2027 period to improve labour market policies, increase skills development and strengthen social cohesion in the country.
- National managing authority: The ESF+ is implemented in Cyprus through the Thalia programme which also includes funding from the Cohesion Fund, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Just Transition Fund (JTF). The Thalia programme is managed by the Directorate General Growth of the Ministry of Finance. See more about EU funds in Cyprus.
ERASMUS+, the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe
National managing authorities: the Youth Board of Cyprus is the responsible National Authority in the areas of youth and non-formal Learning for the Erasmus+ programme, while the Foundation for the Management of the European Lifelong Learning Programmes is responsible for educational programmes in the fields of education and training.
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF): aiming to strengthen economic and social cohesion in the EU by correcting regional imbalances
National managing authority: Directorate General for European Programmes, Coordination and Development
Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD): aiming to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty and/or social exclusion and to combat early school leaving due to financial issues
National managing authority: Directorate General for European Programmes, Coordination and Development
European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), supporting the development of rural economies and communities
National managing authority: Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment
European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)
National managing authority: Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment; EMFF supports coastal communities in diversifying their economies and finances projects that create jobs and improve quality of life along European coasts
- EEA and Norway Grants
- The Information Portal for Funding Programmes is a useful resource providing up-to-date information about EU and local funding opportunities for service providers and other entities. Interested parties can browse the calls, which are classified thematically.
- KISA operates a migrants and beneficiaries of international protection centre that provides free information, support and mediation services
- CARITAS Cyprus provides humanitarian assistance to migrants and beneficiaries of international protection including referrals to health services and emergency shelters
- The Cyprus Red Cross offers humanitarian assistance as well as medical and psychosocial services to vulnerable migrants
- The Cyprus Refugee Council offers legal and social services to beneficiaries of international protection and asylum seekers
- Hope for Children provides support and social services to unaccompanied minors, including shelter and foster families
- MiHub operates four information centres to support migrants' social inclusion in the local communities
- Generation for Change CY is a grassroots non-profit organisation, composed of individuals of diverse backgrounds, offering support to vulnerable and marginalised communities. It organises information sessions, training opportunities, donation drives and awareness-raising campaigns.
- CARDET implements various integration programmes, offering language and capacity building courses, and developing online tools
- The International Organization for Migration (IOM) Cyprus offers advisory services and technical cooperation on migration issues. It currently implements an integration programme addressing the health-related needs of TCNs
- The University of Nicosia implements various integration programmes including the provision of support for the operation of the Migrant Information Centres
- UNHCR ensures the upholding of the rights and welfare of beneficiaries of international protection and asylum seekers
- KISA carries awareness-raising towards the Cypriot society, as well as lobbying to influence the legal and structural framework in the fields of migration, integration and non-discrimination
- Hope for Children conducts advocacy actions and provides capacity building trainings
- Opinion & Action Services LTD carries out awareness-raising campaigns targeting all age groups of the host society and particularly minors
- Cyprus Refugee Council carries out awareness raising campaigns and action actions to inform the public and influence public perceptions towards beneficiaries of international protection and asylum seekers
- Cyprus Statistical Services
- The ombudsman investigates complaints against any public service or officer for actions that violate human rights or are in contravention of laws and other rules. The ombudsman also prepares reports and recommendations for changing the policies and practices that lead to discrimination.
- CARDET conducts research on education