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Migration and Home Affairs
Newsletter21 November 2023Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs1 min read

RAN Practitioners Update 116 | November 2023 - Special Edition

RAN Practitioners Update 116 news

As events continue to unfold in the Middle East, the reverberations are being felt in Europe. Over the past few weeks, we have seen hundreds of thousands of people across Europe taking to the streets in mass demonstrations, in support of both Israel and Palestine, and calling for a ceasefire to the conflict.

There is now concern among many EU Member States that the conflict, and the large volume of reporting, commentary and social media reaction, might have a polarising effect upon communities, with violent extremist groups capitalising on events to radicalise and recruit.

In this Special Edition of the RAN Practitioners Update, we take a look at the possible impact of events in the Middle East on communities here in the EU. To do this, we feature some thoughts from members of the RAN Practitioners network, highlight relevant articles which can be found online and identify some upcoming events.



Publication date
21 November 2023
Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs