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Migration and Home Affairs

Mette Roma Skjoldager

  • Denmark
RAN participants Area of expertise
  • Community engagement/civil society
  • Counter- and alternative narratives
  • Far-right extremism
  • Internet and online (de)radicalisation
  • Islamist-inspired extremism
  • Left-wing extremism
  • Lone actors
  • Prevention
RAN participants Events
  • Communication and Narratives working group (RAN C&N)
  • Families, communities and social care working group (RAN FC&S)
  • Local authorities working group (RAN LOCAL)
  • Other RAN events
  • Plenary, High Level Conference
  • Rehabilitation working group (RAN REHABILITATION)
Expert pool
  • No


Nordic Safe Cities

Metteatnordicsafecities [dot] org (Email) | Website