Reporting Portal REspect ! – Against Hate Speech Online and Locally
Target Audience
Local community organisations/NGOs
Online community
key themes association
Community engagement/civil society
Internet and radicalisation
Youth-Foundation Baden-Württemberg
Type of Organisation: Foundation
Project description
‘Respect! – Against hate speech online and locally’ wants to ensure that politically motivated threats, racist insults and hate speech on the internet are not accepted unchallenged.
When reports come in, it checks whether any laws have been violated and then takes further action and cooperates with local police and the Federal Criminal Office in Germany.
In addition, it reports to the platform operator criminal entries that constitute hate speech, insult, slander or defamation and demands their deletion. It also offers consultation for victims and reporters.
Contact details
Schlossstrasse 23,
74372 Sersheim, Germany
Contact person: Ahmed Gaafar Telephone: +49 7042831711 Gaafarjugendstiftung [dot] de (Email) | Website
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10 AUGUST 2023
Reporting Portal REspect ! – Against Hate Speech Online and Locally