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Migration and Home Affairs
  • Germany
Target Audience
  • Educators/academics
  • Prison / probation
  • Youth/pupils/students
key themes association
  • Prison and probation
  • Training
  • 2023


Denkzeit-Gesellschaft e.V.

Is a registered association (e.V.) and works on behalf of local public authorities in charge of authorising and financing sanctions within the scope of criminal laws relating to young offenders.

Type of Organisation: Other

Project description

‘Denkzeit’ literally means ‘time to think’ or ‘thinking time’. It is an one-to-one-training that is aimed at youngsters (aged 13 to 25) at school, in prison or on probation, usually displaying behavioural problems, particulary in regard to aggressiveness and a high prospensity to violence, partly motivated by extremism or radicalism. 

‘Denkzeit’ therefore offers a variety of programmes for different target groups. By well-directed intervention strategies ‘Denkzeit’ effects the development and/or the strengthening of psychosocial competences. The working method of ‘Denkzeit’ is based on a clinical background and combines a pedagogical with a psychological approach. Clients get enabled to cope better with interpersonal conflicts and learn to solve them in a socially acceptable manner. 

The development of a reliable and trustful relationship with clear rules between client and trainer is a crucial factor of ‘Denkzeit’. The programme content is structured in a specific modular way that assures regular learning success and self-affirmation. Client and trainer elaborate the stages (‘Modules’) of the training hand in hand. It starts with the cognitive phase (1), which is followed by the emotion managing phase (2) and the ethical and moral phase (3), the final stage is called ‘free training’ and ensures the transfer of the new competences to real-lifesituations (4). The first three modules are manualised with a fixed structure in regard to goals, methods and examples. To start with the programme, both trainer and client have to agree consensual on the framework that states a.o. supportive agreements and consequences. 

One programme, the Blickwechsel training, aims particularly at radicalised and radicalising young people. It includes a pedagogical interaction diagnostics for the processual assessment of psychosocial competences. We do not focus on ideology, religion, worldview, etc., but rather on the improvement of important functions of self-regulation and relationship regulation for internal and interpersonal stabilisation.


There have been developed training manuals for all ‘Denkzeit’ trainings. They include goals, exercises, hints and materials for every single session of the first three modules.

Contact details


Denkzeit-Gesellschaft e.V,
Goebenstraße 24,
10783 Berlin, Germany

Contact person: Dr. Johann Schabert, chairman of the board
Telephone: (+49) (0)30 689 15 666
schabertatdenkzeit [dot] com (Email) | Website

Read the full practice

4 JUNE 2024
Denkzeit Training