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Migration and Home Affairs
  • Netherlands
Target Audience
  • Educators/academics
  • General public
  • Online community
key themes association
  • Alternative and counter narratives
  • Social cohesion and polarisation
  • 2024


Dare to be Grey is a foundation registered in the Netherlands.

Type of Organisation: Foundation

Project description

Dare to be Grey is a foundation that challenges polarisation in society. It calls for recognition of the 'grey' middle ground in issues often mistakenly considered 'black and white'. The initiative seeks to promote the different views and voices of the large majority of moderate thinkers, which are too often muted by more extreme voices. 

Dare to be Grey aims to raise awareness principally through online channels: using multiple video and photo campaigns, writing and disseminating online articles, and offering a platform for anyone with a 'grey' story to be told. Dare to be Grey also developed a dialogue technique called 'First Aid For Polarisation', and is often involved in offline actions.


  • The website.
  • A brief animation describing and promoting the campaign can be found online.
  • A handbook on polarisation and the 'grey narrative' will be published soon.
  • An evaluation report is expected in 2020.

Contact details

Contact person: Jordy Nijenhuis
jordyatdtbg [dot] nl (Email) | Website

Read the full practice

2 JULY 2024
Dare to be Grey