Movement of individuals who change their country of usual residence for a period of at least one year, so that the country of destination effectively becomes their new country of usual residence.
Derived by EMN from:
- BG: дългосрочна миграция
- CS: dlouhodobá migrace
- DE: langfristige Migration / Langzeit-Migration
- EL: μακροχρόνια μετανάστευση
- EN: long-term migration
- ES: migración de larga duración
- ET: pikaajaline sisseränne
- FI: pitkäaikainen maahanmuutto
- FR: migration de longue durée
- GA: imirce fhadtéarmach
- HR: dugotrajna migracija
- HU: huzamos idejű tartózkodási céllal történő migráció
- IT: migrazione di lungo periodo
- LT: ilgalaikė migracija
- LV: ilgtermiņa migrācija
- MT: Migrazzjoni fit-tul
- NL: langetermijnmigratie
- PL: migracja długookresowa
- PT: migração de longa duração
- RO: migraţie pe termen lung
- SK: dlhodobá migrácia
- SL: migracije za daljše obdobje
- SV: långtidsmigration
- NO: langtidsmigrasjon
- KA: გრძელვადიანი მიგრაცია
- UK: довгострокова міграція
- HY: երկարատեվ ներգաղթ
- permanent-type migration
- permanent migration
Broader Term(s)
Related Term(s)
Long-term migration' and 'permanent migration' are often understood as quasi-synonyms. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) defines permanent migration as 'a concept relating to undertaking migration with a view to, or which results in, settling on a permanent basis in the country of destination.