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- In the global context , a non-resident (both national or alien) arriving in a State with the intention to remain for a period exceeding a year.
- In the EU context , a person who establishes their usual residence in the territory of an EU Member State for a period that is, or is expected to be, of at least 12 months, having previously been usually resident in another EU Member State or a third country.
- BG: имигрант
- CS: přistěhovalec / imigrant
- DE: Zuwanderer (EU acquis); Einwanderer / Immigrant
- EL: μετανάστης
- EN: immigrant
- ES: inmigrante
- ET: sisserändaja
- FI: maahanmuuttaja
- FR: immigrant
- GA: inimirceach
- HU: bevándorló
- IT: immigrato
- LT: imigrantas
- LV: imigrants
- MT: Immigrant(a)
- NL: immigrant
- PL: imigrant
- PT: imigrante
- RO: imigrant
- SK: prisťahovalec / imigrant
- SL: priseljenec
- SV: invandrare
- NO: innvandrer (b); innvandrar (n)
- KA: იმიგრანტი
- UK: іммігрант
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