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European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP)


A bilateral policy between the European Union and 16 partner countries (the EU’s closest neighbouring countries), further enriched and complemented by three regional and multilateral cooperation initiatives.


Website of the European Commission.

Website of the EU External Action Service.


  • BG: Европейска политика за съседство
  • CS: Evropská politika sousedství
  • DE: Europäische Nachbarschaftspolitik (ENP)
  • EL: Ευρωπαϊκή Πολιτική Γειτονίας
  • EN: European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP)
  • ES: Política Europea de Vecindad (PEV)
  • ET: Euroopa naabruspoliitika
  • FI: Euroopan naapuruuspolitiikka
  • FR: Politique européenne de voisinage (PEV)
  • GA: Beartas Comharsanachta na hEorpa
  • HR: Europska politika susjedstva
  • HU: Európai Szomszédságpolitika
  • IT: politica europea di vicinato
  • LT: Europos kaimynystės politika
  • LV: Eiropas kaimiņattiecību politika
  • MT: Politika (Il-) Ewropea tal-Viċinat / tal-Madwar
  • NL: Europees nabuurschapsbeleid
  • PL: Europejska Polityka Sąsiedztwa
  • PT: Politica Europeia de Vizinhança (PEV)
  • RO: Politica europeană de vecinătate (PEV)
  • SK: Európska susedská politika / Európska politika susedstva
  • SL: Evropska sosedska politika
  • SV: den europeiska grannskapspolitiken
  • NO: Den europeiske naboskapspolitikken
  • KA: ევროპის სამეზობლო პოლიტიკა (ENP)
  • UK: Європейська політика сусідства (ЄПС)
  • HY: Եվրոպական հարևանության քաղաքականություն 


  • ENP

Narrower Term(s)

Related Term(s)


1. The ENP was developed in 2004, with the objective of avoiding the emergence of new dividing lines between the enlarged EU and its neighbours and instead strengthening the prosperity, stability and security of all. It is based on the values of democracy, rule of law and respect of human rights.
2. The three regional and multilateral cooperation initiatives of the ENP are: the Eastern Partnership (EAP), launched in Prague in May 2009; the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (EUROMED), (formerly known as the Barcelona Process, re-launched in Paris in July 2008), and the Black Sea Synergy (launched in Kiev in February 2008).
3. The Lisbon Treaty has allowed the EU to strengthen the delivery of its foreign policy: cooperation with neighbouring countries can now be broadened to cover the full range of issues in an integrated and more effective manner. This was a key driver for initiating a review of the ENP in summer 2010.
4. For up-to-date information on the ENP, see the webpage of the EU External Action Service on the ENP.