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Migration and Home Affairs

European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex)


A European Union agency tasked with the implementation of the European integrated border management, the effective functioning of border control at the external EU borders in coordination with the national authorities of EU Member States and Schengen associated countries (IC, CH, LI and NO) responsible for border management, the internal security within the European Union and migration management, including an effective return policy, while safeguarding the free movement of persons within the Union and full respect for fundamental rights.


Art. 1 and 7 of Regulation (EU) 2019/1896 (European Border and Coast Guard Regulation)


  • BG: Европейска агенция за граничен контрол и брегова охрана
  • CS: Evropská agentura pro pohraniční a pobřežní stráž
  • DE: Europäische Agentur für die Grenz- und Küstenwache
  • EL: Ευρωπαϊκός Οργανισμός Συνοριοφυλακής και Ακτοφυλακής
  • EN: European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex)
  • ES: Guardia Europea de Fronteras y Costas
  • ET: Euroopa Piiri- ja Rannikuvalve Amet
  • FI: Euroopan raja- ja merivartiovirasto
  • FR: Agence européenne de garde-frontières et de garde-côtes
  • GA: an Gníomhaireacht Eorpach um an nGarda Teorann agus Cósta
  • HR: Europska agencija za graničnu i obalnu stražu (FRONTEX)
  • HU: Európai Határ- és Partvédelmi Ügynökség
  • IT: Agenzia europea della guardia di frontiera e costiera
  • LT: Europos sienų ir pakrančių apsaugos agentūra
  • LV: Eiropas Robežu un krasta apsardzes aģentūra
  • MT: Aġenzija (L-) Ewropea għall-Ħarsien / Gwardja tal-Fruntieri u l-Kosti (Frontex)
  • NL: Europees Grens- en Kustwachtagentschap
  • PT: Agência Europeia da Guarda de Fronteiras e Costeira
  • SK: Európska agentúra pre pohraničnú a pobrežnú stráž
  • SL: Evropska agencija za mejno in obalno stražo
  • SV: Europeiska gräns- och kustbevakningsbyrån
  • NO: Den europeiske grense- og kystvakt
  • KA: ევროპის სასაზღვრო და სანაპირო დაცვის სააგენტო (Frontex)
  • UK: Європейське агентство з охорони зовнішніх кордонів (Frontex)
  • HY: Եվրոպական սահմանային և առափնյա պահպանության գործակալություն


  • European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union
  • Frontex

Broader Term(s)

Narrower Term(s)

  • European Border and Coast Guard Standing Corps

Related Term(s)


1. The European Agency for the Border and Coast Guard based in Warsaw was established by Regulation (EU) No 2016/1624 (European Border and Coast Guard Regulation) of 14 September 2016. It is not a new body but emerged from the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union which was established in 2004 by Council Regulation (EC) 2007/2004 (Frontex-Regulation). Its mandate and tasks have, however, been extended and it has been transformed into a fully-fledged European Agency. In order to reflect these changes, it was renamed the European Border and Coast Guard Agency which continues to be commonly referred to as 'Frontex'.
2. In 2019, Regulation (EU) 2019/1896 provided the European Border and Coast Guard with a reinforced mandate and increased competencies, such as the European Border and Coast Guard Standing Corps, which is the EU's first uniformed service. The corps includes 10 000 border and coast guard officers and equipment. This is a major difference compared to the previous Regulation which did not enable the Agency to have its own equipment and personnel. The standing corps consists of Frontex and EU Member State officers and work under the command of the national authorities of the country they are deployed in. In addition, Frontex will develop and strengthen EU's border management capacities and become more active outside the EU by conducting operations in non-EU countries outside external EU borders.
3. Art.10 of Regulation (EU) No 2019/1896 describes the main tasks of the Agency which include among others:

  • monitoring migration flows and carrying out risk analysis as regards all aspects of integrated border management;
  • supporting migration management support teams at hotspot areas by deploying operational staff and technical equipment to provide assistance in screening, de-briefing, identification and fingerprinting of migrants;
  • coordinating and organising joint operations and rapid border interventions to assist participating states at the external EU borders, including humanitarian emergencies and rescue at sea;
  • setting up and deploying European Border and Coast Guard teams, including a rapid reaction pool;
  • supporting the development and operation of the European Border Surveillance System (EUROSUR) as well as setting up and running of the Central unit of the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS);
  • assisting participating states in fulfilling their return including coordinating and organising return operations.

4. Another objective of the Agency is the prevention of cross-border crime such as smuggling of migrants, terrorism or trafficking in human beings.
5. Frontex cooperates with various European agencies and institutions within their respective mandates, such as Europol, Eurojust, European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA), European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) and the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) as well as with third countries in relation to the areas covered by the regulation.
6. For further information, see the website of Frontex.