Networks - European Commission
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An official website of the European UnionAn official EU website
Migration and Home Affairs
  • 5 June 2024


DG HOME supports networks where members exchange views and information on specific home affairs and migration policies. In some networks the members are national administrations, in other cases NGOs or individual persons.

The EU Internet Forum (EUIF) launched by the Commission in December 2015, addresses the misuse of the internet for terrorist purposes.

The Labour Migration Platform brings the Commission and representatives from Member States specialising in migration and employment policy together to foster close cooperation on legal migration and employment.

The European Migration Forum (EMF) is a platform for dialogue between civil society organisations and European Institutions on migration, asylum and integration.

The Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Network (CSAPN) brings together practitioners, researchers and other stakeholders to support prevention measures, to decrease child sexual abuse, and to facilitate the exchange of best practices.