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Migration and Home Affairs

Committee on Immigration and Asylum (CIA)


A European Commission-led expert group aimed at facilitating an informal exchange of views between EU Member State administrations and the Commission services on political and legal issues related to migration, border and asylum.


Developed by EMN


  • BG: Комитет по имиграция и убежище
  • CS: Výbor pro přistěhovalectví a azyl
  • DE: Ausschuss für Einwanderung und Asyl
  • EL: Επιτροπή για τη Μετανάστευση και το Άσυλο
  • EN: Committee on Immigration and Asylum (CIA)
  • ES: Comité de Inmigración y Asilo
  • ET: sisserände- ja varjupaigakomitee
  • FI: Maahanmuutto- ja turvapaikka-asioiden komitea
  • FR: Comité sur l’immigration et l’asile
  • GA: An Coiste um Inimrice agus Thearmann
  • HU: Bevándorlási és Menekültügyi Bizottság
  • IT: Comitato Immigrazione e Asilo
  • LT: Imigracijos ir prieglobsčio komitetas
  • LV: Imigrācijas un patvēruma komiteja
  • MT: Kumitat dwar l-Immigrazzjoni u l-Ażil
  • NL: Comité voor immigratie en asiel
  • PL: Komitet ds. Imigracji i Azylu
  • PT: Comité Imigração e Asilo
  • RO: Comitetul Imigraţie şi Azil
  • SK: Výbor pre prisťahovalectvo a azyl
  • SL: Odbor za priseljevanje in azil
  • SV: kommittén för frågor om invandring och asyl
  • NO: Komiteen for innvandrings- og asylspørsmål
  • KA: იმიგრაციისა და თავშესაფრის კომიტეტი (CIA)
  • UK: Комітет з питань імміграції та притулку (CIA)


  • CIA
  • Immigration and Asylum Committee


1. Frequently the CIA discusses upcoming legislative or other proposals in order to ‘measure the temperature’ of EU Member State feelings before submitting a formal Commission proposal.
2. The CIA is also used as a forum for collecting information on the situation in EU Member States (via questionnaires) on selected policy-relevant issues and where the Commission can report to EU Member States on its activities.
3. Participants from EU Member States are nominated on an ad-hoc basis; normally both ‘generalists’ from the Permanent Representations and ‘specialists’ from the capitals are present. Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and international organisations such as United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) or the International Organization for Migration (IOM) are sometimes invited to join discussions of the CIA as active observers.
4. For more information, see the European Commission Register of Commission Expert Groups