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Migration and Home Affairs


An area that extends no more than 30 kilometres from the border.


Art. 3(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1931/2006 (Local Border Traffic Regulation)


  • BG: гранична зона
  • CS: pohraniční oblast
  • DE: Grenzgebiet / Grenzregion
  • EL: παραμεθόρια περιοχή / συνοριακή περιοχή
  • EN: border area
  • ES: zona fronteriza
  • ET: piiriala
  • FI: raja-alue
  • FR: zone frontalière
  • GA: limistéar teorann
  • HR: pogranično područje
  • HU: határmenti terület
  • IT: zona di frontiera
  • LT: pasienio teritorija
  • LV: pierobeža
  • MT: Żona ta’ mal-konfini
  • NL: grensgebied
  • PL: strefa przygraniczna
  • PT: zona fronteiriça
  • RO: zonă de frontieră
  • SK: pohraničná oblasť (EU acquis); prihraničné územie
  • SL: obmejno območje
  • SV: gränsområde
  • NO: grenseområde
  • KA: სასაზღვრო ზონა
  • UK: прикордонна територія
  • HY: սահմանամերձ շրջան

Related Term(s)


Subsequent to Art. 3(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1931/2006 (Local Border Traffic Regulation) , an EU Member State may specify the local administrative districts that are to be considered part of ‘the border area’ in ;a bilateral agreements with its neighbouring third country(s). If part of any such district lies between 30 and 50 kilometres from the border line, it shall nevertheless be considered as part of the border area.