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Migration and Home Affairs


In the EU migration context, any action by the relevant national authority(ies) which results in identifying a third-country national found to be illegally present and which may limit the freedom of movement of the person concerned.


Developed by EMN


  • BG: задържане
  • CS: zadržení
  • DE: Aufgriff / Ergreifung / Festnahme
  • EL: σύλληψη
  • EN: apprehension
  • ES: aprehensión
  • ET: kinnipidamine / vahistamine
  • FI: kiinniottaminen
  • FR: arrestation; appréhension (BE, LU)
  • GA: gabháil
  • HR: zatjecanje
  • HU: őrizetbe vétel
  • IT: arresto
  • LT: sulaikymas
  • LV: aizturēšana personas identitātes noskaidrošanai
  • MT: Qbid / Arrest
  • NL: aanhouding
  • PL: zatrzymanie
  • PT: detecção
  • RO: luare in custodie publica
  • SK: zadržanie (EU acquis); predvedenie
  • SL: prijetje
  • SV: kvarhållande
  • NO: pågripelse (b); pågriping (n)
  • KA: დაკავება
  • UK: затримання
  • HY: ձերբակալություն

Related Term(s)