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Migration and Home Affairs


Civic and political participation by immigrants and the consequent acquisition and exercise of equal rights and responsibilities.


Developed by EMN.


  • BG: активно гражданско участие
  • CS: aktivní občanská participace
  • DE: aktive Staatsbürgerschaft / aktive Bürgerbeteiligung
  • EL: ενεργός πολιτότητα
  • EN: active citizenship
  • ES: Ciudadanía activa
  • ET: kodanikuaktiivsus
  • FI: aktiivinen kansalaisuus
  • FR: citoyenneté active
  • GA: N/A
  • HR: aktivno državljanstvo
  • HU: aktív állampolgárság
  • IT: cittadinanza attiva
  • LT: aktyvus pilietiškumas
  • LV: aktīvs pilsoniskums
  • MT: Ċittadinanza attiva
  • NL: Actief burgerschap
  • PL: Aktywne obywatelstwo
  • PT: cidadania ativa
  • RO: cetățenie activă
  • SK: aktívne občianstvo
  • SL: aktivno državljanstvo
  • SV: aktivt medborgarskap
  • NO: medborgerskap
  • KA: აქტიური სამოქალაქო მონაწილეობა
  • UK: Активне громадянство
  • HY: ակտիվ քաղաքացիություն

Broader Term(s)


1. Active citizenship is an umbrella term for the acquisition and exercise of rights for civic and political participation. As such, it includes citizenship and residence, membership in (political) organisations, voting, running for office, volunteering or participation in political protest. For more information see: Using EU Indicators of Immigrant Integration. Final Report for Directorate-General for Home Affairs, March 2013.

2. Active citizenship is one of the four main policy areas identified in the Common Basic Principles (2004) and reaffirmed in the Zaragoza Declaration on Integration of April 2010 as key factors for a successful integration policy, the others are employment, education and social inclusion. For more information see European Website on Integration.

3. For active citizenship the following core indicators have been developed:

  • the share of immigrants that have acquired citizenship - the share of immigrants holding permanent or long-term residence permits;
  • the share of immigrants among elected representatives.

The first two indicators have been integrated in the Eurostat Migrant Integration Statistics, for further information see Eurostat Statistics Explained - Migrant integration statistics - active citizenship.

4. As there is no unified view among EU Member States on indicators in the area of active citizenship, there is a different interpretation of active citizenship policies at national level.