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An official website of the European UnionAn official EU website
Migration and Home Affairs
  • 25 April 2024

What's new

Learn about latest EU policy developments in the field of migration and home affairs, or work updates from Commissioner Johansson, and other DG HOME related news.

The newsletter brings a regular offering that shines more light on these activities.

Browse through events happening in the field of EU migration and home affairs.

On this "consulting the public" page, you will find all relevant information concerning the Commission's current and past consultations related to EU migration and home affairs.

Search through different DG HOME publications, such as factsheets, home affairs and migration related reports, and many more.

Evaluations assess the performance of an EU action. Impact assessments examine whether there is a need for an EU legislative action, and analyse the possible impacts of available solutions.

DG HOME is responsible for ensuring that EU countries apply home and migration related EU laws correctly. If an EU country does not comply after being contacted, an infringement procedure is launched.