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Before participating in a mission, all members of the EU Protective Security Advisors pool will have undergone a specialised EU training in different security areas on how to carry out vulnerability assessments and present advice. For this reason, the Commission and different experts from EU countries organise the EU PSA training course to further support EU country experts during missions.

EU PSA training
PSA training class with participants from the USA, March 2020

Following requests from EU countries, the first training was held in November 2019 and despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, five EU PSA classes took place thus far.

EU PSA team members come from different expertise areas. During PSA missions, each team member should have expertise to carry out the planned evaluation of the EU countries intended assessment target. At the same time, they should also have at least one of the following competencies:

  • terrorist attack tactics and trends (firearms, explosives, vehicle, etc)
  • facility protection technics, designs and tactics
  • CBRN-E Detection Technology
  • UAV operations and vulnerability assessments
  • special event organization and command and control procedures
  • special intervention operations and counter assault team operations
EU PSA training
Inaugural training class for EU Protective Security Advisors, November 2019