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Migration and Home Affairs

RAN P&P and RAN EXIT Building Bridges, Prague 05-06 June 2019

Exit workers and probation officers both work with terrorist and violent extremist offenders, but are too often still working separately. Although in some Member States the two do work together, cooperation is not well organised and in some cases non-existent. This may easily lead to prejudices and a low level of trust and thus to an inhibition when it comes to working together.

The RAN Prison and Probation (P&P) and RAN EXIT Multi-Agency Meeting on the rehabilitation of released terrorist and violent extremist offenders focused on exploring the differences and similarities between the two fields. The aim was to overcome these differences and find a common ground to work together.

Participants at the meeting were cautiously optimistic. They discovered more similarities in working methods than expected and gained valuable insight into each other’s approaches. This, in turn, led to increased understanding. This paper focuses on the outcomes of the meeting, mapping the similarities and differences. It will explore ways to bridge these differences, creating a shared vision and working towards a common goal. Read more


PDF Paper (also available in French and German)

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Prisons Working Group (RAN PRISONS)