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Migration and Home Affairs

EXIT Social Cooperative Society (EXIT SCS)

  • Italy
Target Audience
  • Violent extremists
  • Prison / probation
  • First responders or practitioners
  • Formers
  • Health practitioners
key themes association
  • Cults
  • Deradicalisation/disengagement
  • 2019


EXIT Social Cooperative Society

EXIT s.c.s. is a social enterprise founded in 2011 with the aim of pursuing the general interests of the community for human development, promotion and social integration, through the management of social services and activities. In particular, the cooperative promotes and manages information, assistance, support and prevention in cases of psychological abuse, abuse and violence in the workplace, the family and the community, as well as gender-domestic and interpersonal violence.


The organisation's mission is to design and manage social assistance services on related issues of abuse and harassment (e.g. bullying, domestic violence) by setting up aid centres and information helpdesks, organising informational and awareness activities, and offering educational and rehabilitation services (such as self-help groups), empowerment activities, workshops, and evaluation activities for workers with stress-related concerns. The organisation also provides prevention services, assessment and diagnosis, and measurement of well-being and quality of life in various domains (work, school, family, prison, communities at risk).

Recipients of services are:

  • workers who consider themselves victims of harassment at work (bullying) and their families;
  • victims of domestic violence and their families;
  • victims of bullying and their families;
  • members and former members of cultic groups and their families;
  • violent extremists and their families;
  • detainees, families and justice practitioners;
  • first-line practitioners.

Main activity

  • From 2007 to 2017, EXIT's professionals operated in two regional aid centres for harassed workers, supporting around 3 500 workers who were victims of abuse, maltreatment and bullying at work, with 1 300 cases followed up and around 6 000 professional interventions provided.
  • From 2013 to 2017, EXIT provided professional interventions on behalf of the Family Support Centre of SOS ABUSI PSICOLOGICI. This centre supports group psychological abuse victims, caring for around 200 families seeking help for a loved one in a coercive control group.
  • EXIT's practice has headed the news of local newspapers, radio and TV programmes, almost since its inception.
    • In 2017 and 2018, EXIT's professionals participated in the EU Raising Awareness and Staff MObility on violent RADicalisation in Prison and Probation Services (RASMORAD) Project , which produced the following reports:
    • 'The collection of info on derad and exit strategies. Data, good practices and case studies' (on deradicalisation strategies implemented in prison and on probation according to current scientific literature);
    • 'Exit strategies, alternative measures for violent extremist offenders' (questionnaire distributed among partners);
    • 'Derad and exit strategies. Common methodologies' (report on the common methodology used by the different partners of the project);
    • 'National guidelines' (indications for the methodology to be used in the dissemination of information between prison operators and stakeholders).
  • In 2017, 2018 and 2019, EXIT's professionals developed training activities for first-line practitioners on tackling violent radicalisation, for school directors and teachers, social workers, educators, mental health professionals and police.

Type of Organisation: Other

Project description

EXIT SCS is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) with expertise in facilitating exiting strategies for clients in coercive environments through a systemic-constructivist approach. Facilitators employ empowering, coping and reflecting strategies to psychologically strengthen client self-esteem and resilience.

Voluntary engagement on the side of the client is a methodological prerequisite, while motivational and conversational interviewing may be part of the lead-up towards a full exit facilitation. Practitioners will consider the engagement level of the client and determine the best activities to motivate improvement and change.

A key aspect of the work is the psychological and psychotherapeutic interaction principles of the EXIT facilitators, e.g. empathy, trust and work-relationship development. At the same time, some EXIT practitioners are former members of cultic and violent extremist groups, and as such have a shared understanding of the experience of their clients, which may render them more credible messengers.

On yet another level, EXIT's measures to enhance critical thinking are key. The critical thinking methods focus primarily on abusive group issues but may also encompass issues of prejudice, racism, xenophobia and ethnic/cultural polarisation.

At the same time, counselling and information on high-demand group issues is provided, as is legal and medical advice. Generally, EXIT avoids discussion and debate that reinforce the same opinion.

EXIT also trains individuals who maintain close contact with violent extremists in the role of teachers, mental health professionals, educators and other professionals.

EXIT has been involved with other educational activities for minors.


EXIT has produced several handbooks on work-based bullying and discrimination, psychological manipulation and other topics.

Contact details


EXIT s.c.s.
c/o Punto di Ascolto di Udine

Contact person: Cristina Caparesi
Telephone: (+39) 43 2127 2070, (+39) 33 8444 0566
Email | Website

Read the full practice

  • 7 SEPTEMBER 2021
EXIT Social Cooperative Society (EXIT SCS)