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RAN collection of practices search (108)

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Since 2015, all correctional officers receive, as part of their two-year basic training programme, approximately 20 hours of education, training and lectures related to radicalisation and violent extremism.

The Business Council for Democracy (BC4D) is an 8-week educational programme on online harms such as hate speech, disinformation and conspiracy myths, targeting an adult audience and reaching them at their place of work in weekly virtual sessions.

‘Radicalisation’ is used interchangeably with ‘indoctrination’. Essentially, it means creating self-motivation among people to do certain things, and the events of recent years have shown that the line between silent beliefs and violent action can be very thin.

EXIT SCS is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) with expertise in facilitating exiting strategies for clients in coercive environments through a systemic-constructivist approach.

Exit provides hands-on individually targeted support to those who want to leave behind radical environments and extreme groups. Exit offers personal meetings, provides a contact person (if needed available 24/7) and assists in contacts with governmental agencies.

EXIT-Germany is an initiative assisting individuals, who want to leave the extreme right-wing movement and start a new life. Being the first to start such an endeavour in Germany, EXIT-Germany constitutes one of the most experienced and successful programmes in deradicalisation and exit-assistance..

Our mission is to change the attitudes of young people and build a society where all can coexist with certain shared values and a common understanding.

Anchor work refers to multi-professional collaboration, the purpose of which is to promote the wellbeing of adolescents, prevent crime and violent radicalisation.

The nationwide Institute for right-wing extremism and family provides counselling services for two groups. First is the relatives (parents, children or other close family members) of those who have joined a movement in the area of right-wing extremism or are in danger of doing so.

No Cap is youth slang for “I’m not lying, I’m telling the truth”.

The Peaceable school is a whole-school approach for primary schools, aiming to cultivate a democratic community where children's voices are heard, and where children and teachers learn to resolve conflict constructively.

The Redirect Method (TRM) was developed in 2016 by Moonshot CVE in partnership with Google. It is deployed via online platforms such as YouTube and Twitter, as well as specially designed websites.