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RAN collection of practices search

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RAN collection of practices search (181)

Showing results 60 to 80

EXIT SCS is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) with expertise in facilitating exiting strategies for clients in coercive environments through a systemic-constructivist approach.

Exit provides hands-on individually targeted support to those who want to leave behind radical environments and extreme groups. Exit offers personal meetings, provides a contact person (if needed available 24/7) and assists in contacts with governmental agencies.

EXIT-Germany is an initiative assisting individuals, who want to leave the extreme right-wing movement and start a new life. Being the first to start such an endeavour in Germany, EXIT-Germany constitutes one of the most experienced and successful programmes in deradicalisation and exit-assistance..

Extreme Dialogue aims to build resilience to radicalisation among young people through a series of open-access educational resources and highly engaging short films. These films explore prejudice and identity, and foster critical thinking and digital literacy skills.

The Extremely Together Roadshow consists of a series of peer-to-peer workshops aimed at training youth in schools as well as with young leaders in local communities across Europe in countering violent extremism (CVE).

The Extremism Information Centre is a nationwide contact point for parents, teachers, social workers and any other persons seeking advice on issues of violent extremism. Our definition of extremism is broad and covers both politically and religiously motivated extremism.

HAYAT (Turkish and Arabic for “Life”) is the first German counselling programme for persons involved in radical Salafist groups or on the path of a violent Jihadist radicalisation, including those traveling to Syria and other combat zones.

The Family Counselling Centre is a low-threshold service offering help to all families in crisis, as well as families with a multi-problematic background.

Sarpsborg municipality in Norway employs a holistic and systematic approach when supporting families to prevent or reverse radicalisation processes with affected family members. All municipal services are obligated to prioritise this work.

Empirical research was carried out in the Netherlands, Denmark and the UK. Some 30 in-depth case-studies of former extremists (islamist, far-right, far-left) were carried out from a pedagogical perspective, examining the role of the family and the socialisation context.

‘Gaming with the police’ is a practice developed by the Dutch community police to keep in touch with youth who are active in the digital domain. By entering their ‘comfort zone’ through gaming, police officers from the community connect with the youth and earn their trust.

The role of the Garda National Diversity and Integration Unit (GNDIU) and its team of Garda (Police) Ethnic Liaison Officers (ELOs) is to liaise with minority communities and reassure them that police services are available to them without discrimination.

Gelijk=Gelijk? is an informal educational project for primary and secondary schools. It is based on the peer education methodology and was developed in 2007 by Diversion. The programme has since been implemented all over the Netherlands, in hundreds of classrooms.