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Migration and Home Affairs

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RAN collection of practices search (181)

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The Aussteigerprogramm Islamismus (‘Exit-programme Islamism’) is an offer for those who want to leave the Islamist communities. The clients are highly radicalised, based in an extremist context, and most are or have been classified as security relevant by public authorities.

‘Denkzeit’ literally means ‘time to think’ or ‘thinking time’. It is an one-to-one-training that is aimed at youngsters (aged 13 to 25) at school, in prison or on probation, who usually display behavioural problems, particulary in regard to aggressivness and a high prospensity to violence...

The Extremism Information Centre is a nationwide contact point for parents, teachers, social workers and any other persons seeking advice on issues of violent extremism. Our definition of extremism is broad and covers both politically and religiously motivated extremism.

The role of the Garda National Diversity and Integration Unit (GNDIU) and its team of Garda (Police) Ethnic Liaison Officers (ELOs) is to liaise with minority communities and reassure them that police services are available to them without discrimination.

The main aim of the project is to deliver authentic alternative narratives to jihadist and Islamist-extremist online propaganda by applying Online-Streetwork and narrative-biography methods.

By organising recreational sports and adventure activities in Hungary, KacsaKő Association is building an inclusive community of 9-14 year-old children who otherwise would never meet under regular circumstances due to the different and distant social bubbles they live in.

Mothers present a missing link in the entire community approach to preventing the spread of violent extremism. Their physical and emotional proximity make them witness to each stage of their child’s development.

The Spanish Project entitled “Testimonies of victims of terrorism in the classrooms” is part of the training programme sponsored jointly by the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Education.

Moonshot’s Ethics Committee guides ethical practice within the organisation and fosters among all staff the responsibility to think and act ethically in designing and delivering programs to address and counter violent extremism and online harms...

GOLDEN FISH is an innovative after-classroom program that boosts resilience against disinformation while at the same time empowering young people vulnerable to radicalization to dream and builds their social competencies to reach their dreams without violence.

The Contact Partner System was developed by the main prison of Bremen and consists of a managing tool that allocates a specific Chief Officer to each prisoner as a point of contact.

We use counter- and alternative narratives focused on the political ideology of ‘political Salafiyya’, which can lead to violent extremism and consequently terrorism. The examples and methods that we use are based on al-aqida, fiqh, manhaj, pedagogy, history, civic education, and human rights.