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Migration and Home Affairs
4 June 2024

Aussteigerprogramm Islamismus, NRW (Exit-programme Islamism, NRW)

  • Germany
Target Audience
  • Formers
  • Prison / probation
key themes association
  • Deradicalisation/disengagement
  • Islamist extremism
  • 2023


The Aussteigerprogramm Islamismus (Exit-programme Islamism) is based in the Ministry of the Interior of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is one of three exit programmes (Islamism, right-wing, left-wing), which belongs to the department of prevention in the Office for the Protection of the Constitution of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Type of Organisation: Governmental institution

Project description

The Aussteigerprogramm Islamismus (API, ‘Exit-programme Islamism’) is an initiative designed to support individuals who wish to disengage from Islamist communities. The clients are primarily highly radicalised individuals, operating within an extremist context. The majority have been classified as security threats by public authorities. 

The main goals of the programme are to cease radical Islamist activities, disengage from the former ideology, achieve social reintegration and ensure personal security to prevent criminal actions and decrease the number of individuals involved in the Islamist scene.

Deradicalisation is considered a lengthy process that relies on cooperation and voluntary participation. Typically, each case requires an attendance period of 3-5 years. 

The main components of the programme involve conducting ideological work and provide psychosocial stabilization to clients through personal meetings. The specific subjects covered in both areas are tailored to meet the individual needs of each client. The focus of the ideological work is to rehabilitate and reflect on the reasons for involvement in the Islamist scene, challenge the ideology, gain knowledge, etc. It does not involve renouncing Islam. 

Psychosocial stabilization topics may include assisting with social welfare, finding housing, seeking employment, implementing therapies and more. The aim is to empower clients to change their attitudes and perspectives for the future. If clients are released from prison, the programme can also help them prepare for reintegration into society. 

The team members of API have diverse professional backgrounds, including police officers, prison staff, administrative officials, intelligence staff, social workers, psychologists and experts in Islamic studies. The programme also cooperates with various network partners, such as social welfare institutions and authorities like the police, intelligence services, prisons, courts, immigration authorities and deradicalisation programmes from other states. This allows a holistic approach to address the needs of clients and ensure tailored methods for successful deradicalisation and psychosocial stabilization.


An extensive handbook on Exit work serves as a guide for employees in their daily work. However, due to containing national classified information, it cannot be published. The Exit-programme Islamism underwent a scientific evaluation in 2022 and we are currently assessing whether the evaluation report can be published.

Contact details


Ministerium des Inneren des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Postfach 102013
40021 Düsseldorf

kontaktatapi [dot] nrw [dot] de (Email) | Website

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4 JUNE 2024
Aussteigerprogramm Islamismus, NRW (Exit-programme Islamism, NRW)