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Migration and Home Affairs

principle of equal treatment


The principle that there shall be no direct or indirect discrimination based on racial or ethnic origin, sex, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation.



  • BG: принцип на равно третиране
  • CS: princip rovného zacházení
  • DE: Gleichbehandlungsgrundsatz
  • EL: αρχή της ίσης μεταχείριση
  • EN: principle of equal treatment
  • ES: principio de igualdad de trato
  • ET: võrdse kohtlemise põhimõte
  • FI: yhtäläisen kohtelun periaate
  • FR: principe d’égalité de traitement
  • GA: an prionsabal um chóir chomhionann
  • HU: egyenlő bánásmód (elve)
  • HR: načelo jednakog postupanja
  • IT: principio di parità di trattamento
  • LT: vienodo požiūrio principas
  • LV: vienlīdzīgas attieksmes princips
  • MT: Prinċipju (Il-) ta’ trattament ugwali
  • NL: beginsel van gelijke behandeling
  • PL: zasada równego traktowania
  • PT: princípio da igualdade de tratamento
  • RO: principiul tratamentului egal
  • SK: zásada rovnakého zaobchádzania / princíp rovnakého zaobchádzania
  • SL: načelo enakega obravnavanja
  • SV: principen om likabehandling
  • NO: prinsippet om likebehandling
  • KA: თანასწორი მოპყრობის პრინციპი
  • UK: принцип рівного ставлення
  • HY: načelo jednakog postupanja 


  • equal opportunities

Narrower Term(s)

Related Term(s)


1. This is an important right conferred by EU citizenship. The Treaty of Amsterdam added a new Art. 13 to the Treaty, reinforcing the principle of non-discrimination. Under this article, the Council has the power to take appropriate action to combat discrimination based on sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation.
2. The term ‘equal treatment’ has a distinct use / meaning when used in the context of bilateral social security agreements between EU Member States as per Regulation (EU) No 465/2012 on the coordination of social security systems.
3. For more information see EMN: Migrant Access to Social Security and Healthcare – policy and practice, 2014