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Migration and Home Affairs


In the context of migration, any person who, for financial or other gain, intentionally assists a person who is not a national of a country to enter, or transit across its territory or to reside within its territory in breach of the laws of the country concerned.


Derived by EMN from Article 1(1)(a) and (b) of Council Directive 2002/90/EC (Directive defining the facilitation of unauthorised entry, transit and residence).


  • BG: помагач
  • CS: osoba napomáhající
  • DE: Schlepper
  • EL: διαμεσολαβητής
  • EN: facilitator
  • ES: traficante de personas
  • ET: välismaalase ebaseaduslikult üle riigipiiri toimetaja/ ilma seadusliku aluseta riigis viibimise soodustaja/vahendaja
  • FI: säännösten vastaisen maahantulon järjestäjä
  • FR: passeur; personne qui facilite le trafic des migrants (BE)
  • GA: éascaitheoir
  • HR: pomagač
  • HU: szándékosan segítséget nyújtó személy
  • IT: colui il quale compie reato di favoreggiamento dell'immigrazione irregolare / trafficante di esseri umani
  • LT: tarpininkas
  • LV: cilvēku tirdzniecības veicinātājs
  • MT: Faċilitatur (-triċi) Ħaffief(a)
  • NL: facilitator
  • PL: pośrednik
  • PT: facilitador
  • RO: traficant de persoane / persoană care introduce ilegal migranți
  • SK: sprostredkovateľ / prevádzač
  • SL: sprovajalec
  • SV: medhjälpare till olaglig inresa och vistelse
  • NO: tilrettelegger for menneskesmugling (b); tilrettelegg for menneskesmugling (n)
  • KA: ხელშემწყობი პირი
  • UK: помічник
  • HY: միջնորդ

Narrower Term(s)

Related Term(s)


  1. Even though both terms are closely linked to each other and relate to the phenomenon of irregular migration, there is a difference between a facilitator and a smuggler.
  2. Facilitator is the broader concept and means a person who provides services beyond the unauthorized entry of a migrant into a country. Facilitators offer a support system or backup structure to the criminal operations of smugglers. They are more involved in the active organization of channels, networks, entry points and operating in the transnational organized crime. Their system often relies on the use of legal business and intermediators, acting as enablers. These can be as numerous and diverse as internet service providers, transport and logistic firms, hotels, financial services, travel or employment agencies and/or landlords. For more information see: Glossary Human Trafficking, 2019.
  3. Smuggling of migrants is the narrower concept and enables the transport of a person (with their consent) to another country through illegal means. For more information see the entry for smuggler in this glossary.
  4. In some states the term 'facilitator' has a completely different meaning and is used in other contexts than irregular migration.