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Migration and Home Affairs

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The image shows cartoon-like characters contributing to questionnaire with their input - one holds a piece of a puzzle, while the other holds a pencil. In the forefront we see money stacked in little piles, suggesting that the questionnaire concerns funding.
  • News article

The European Commission has launched a public consultation to support the evaluation of the three HOME funds – AMIF, ISF Borders and Visa, ISF Police – for 2014-2020. Go to the consultation, fill in the questionnaires, and have your say on the future of funding in the HOME Affairs main policy areas.

  • 1 min read


Refugees Ukraine fleeing war

A webpage presenting key information for people feeling the war in Ukraine about their rights in the EU: crossing the border, eligibility for temporary protection and applying for asylum, as well as the rights of travel inside the EU.

EU Anti trafficking day

Protecting our societies from organised crime, including tackling trafficking in human beings, is a priority for the EU. Trafficking in human beings is a highly profitable crime that brings enormous profit to criminals while incurring a tremendous cost to society.

Refugees from Ukraine during their registration process for temporary protection in Brussels

The EU can offer temporary protection to displaced persons from non-EU countries who are unable to return to their country of origin. Such protection is given as an exceptional measure to help EU countries alleviate pressure on their asylum systems.

Task force migration management

The Task Force Migration Management works with the Greek authorities and EU agencies to improve conditions for migrants arriving to Greece, including the building of new migrant reception centres.

Ylva Johansson

Ylva Johansson, serves as the Commissioner for Home Affairs (2019-2024). Devoted to improving conditions for migrants in Europe, and contributing to a stronger and safer EU, read about her work on her blog.
