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On 1 January, Romania and Bulgaria became full members of the Schengen Area after the checks on persons at the internal land borders were lifted. Welcoming both member states into the Schengen area will boost travel, trade and tourism and contribute to strengthening the internal market.
European and international law enforcement authorities in October 2024 have targeted multiple criminal networks in the areas of trafficking in human beings, migrant smuggling, drug and illegal firearms trafficking, and the high-risk criminal networks. The operation has been organised by EMPACT.
Retrieving electronic evidence promptly and asking the right questions can make the difference in solving cybercrime cases. The E-learning package eFirst 2.0 aims to equip law enforcement agents with the basics of electronic evidence and crimes related to new technologies.
Since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, DG HOME has been at the forefront of helping people fleeing the war.
A webpage presenting key information for people feeling the war in Ukraine about their rights in the EU: crossing the border, eligibility for temporary protection and applying for asylum, as well as the rights of travel inside the EU.
Protecting our societies from organised crime, including tackling trafficking in human beings, is a priority for the EU. Trafficking in human beings is a highly profitable crime that brings enormous profit to criminals while incurring a tremendous cost to society.
The EU can offer temporary protection to displaced persons from non-EU countries who are unable to return to their country of origin. Such protection is given as an exceptional measure to help EU countries alleviate pressure on their asylum systems.
The Task Force Migration Management works with the Greek authorities and EU agencies to improve conditions for migrants arriving to Greece, including the building of new migrant reception centres.
Magnus Brunner’s mission as Commissioner for Internal Affairs and Migration (2024-2029) includes implementing the Pact on Migration and Asylum, strengthening Europe's internal security, and promoting integrated border management.