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Publications (293)
The paper presents the key outcomes of the RAN Practitioners meeting of the Families, Communities & Social Care Working Group which took place in Lisbon, Portugal, on 28 and 29 May 2024.
The paper presents the key outcomes of the RAN small-scale meeting that took place on 23 May 2024 with the aim of exploring the phenomenon of composite extremism.
The paper presents the key outcomes of the RAN Mental Health Working Group meeting that took place on 30-31 May 2024 in Bucharest, Romania.
The paper presents the key outcomes of the RAN YOUNG meeting that took place on 2-3 May 2024 in Zagreb, Croatia.
This paper first covers the highlights of the discussions and presentations that were given during the meeting, followed by an outline of the case study action plans that the participants worked on during the meeting.
The paper presents the key outcomes of the RAN thematic event on Online P/CVE Interventions that took place on 24 April 2024 in Zagreb, Croatia.
EMN report on children in migration 2021 - 2022: An overview
- Theme
- Unaccompanied minors
This consolidated paper provides a brief non-exhaustive summary of the root causes and factors that can lead to violent extremism.
This paper presents the results of the mapping of national and regional networks working on preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) in the EU.
The paper presents the key outcomes of the RAN PRISONS Working Group meeting that took place on 16-17 November 2023 in Berlin, Germany.